Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 116 Who is the Ghost in Tiger Hall?

Chapter 116 Who is the inner ghost of Baihutang?

The personnel from the upstairs rushed down the Loyalty Hall one after another, Ye Ziye had no choice but to join in the melee.

Soon the reinforcements led by Qin Jun rushed in, subduing Peng Xiong and the others with lightning speed.

At the same time, a police whistle sounded in the distance, and the police officers were coming towards them.

The time is just right.

Their purpose was not to blow up the entire building, but to attract the attention of the police and come to the scene to investigate the cause of the explosion.

They want to announce the truth about drug trafficking in Zhongyitang to the world.

And monk Peng Xiong must not be allowed to leave the building before the police arrive.

After the explosion sounded according to the plan, Qin Jun led the rest of his men to rush in to capture them.

Everything is within Zuo Zhe's plan.

Zuo Zhe raised his right fist and punched Shang Jin in the face, reached out and snatched the black box from his hand, and pulled up his collar with his hand: "Who gave you this thing?"

"You are Zuo Zhe?" Shang Jin stared at Zuo Zhe, his cold eyes flickering with cold light. Only Zuo Zhe's eyes can make people feel like they are in an iceberg.

"Say, who gave it to you?" Zuo Zhe ruthlessly threw another punch.

"I won't tell you."

"is it?"

Zuo Zhe motioned to the bodyguard next to him, and immediately two bodyguards stepped forward and punched him until his face was swollen and his mouth was swollen.

"Who?" Tonight he must know who the ghost of Baihutang is?

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I won't tell." Shang Jin smiled coldly.

The police cars had already gathered downstairs, and there was still the sound of the crowd.

Qin Jun came over and pulled him away: "It will be too late if we don't leave."

Zuo Zhe signaled everyone to retreat first.

"Do you think I have no way of knowing?"

He took Shang Jin by the collar and dragged him to the stairs, pushing him down without saying a word.

He still remembers the enmity between him and Qin Jun who besieged him and Qin Jun at the foot of the mountain very clearly, and he will probably get it back tonight.

A fall from such a height will not kill anyone, but it will cause serious injuries.

At this time Peng Xiong was already trembling with fright.

It has long been rumored in the gang that Zuo Zhe is ruthless, but facing him tonight, who is young and frivolous, even he who has been fighting for a long time is terrified.

The extremely angry Zuo Zhe half-closed his cold eyes, kicked Peng Xiong down, stepped on him, and walked over without a sound.

When No. 1 police officer arrived at the scene on the second floor, he flew from the window of the room and jumped down to the ground on the first floor.

Ye Ziye, Qin Jun and bodyguards who were waiting quickly disappeared into the dark alley.

It also marks the end of this war.

[Today's 3th is gone.After writing for [-] days, it will be gone in one day, and it will be gone.You can't be picky, you have to watch the flashbacks, there are flashbacks below, it's a pity not to watch them.If you click on the ideal, it will be updated. 】

(End of this chapter)

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