Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 120 2 Shem 3: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 120 2 Shem 3: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

"I didn't come back to discuss this issue with you. Where is Xi Wei? I want to see her." As a father, he was remiss.

Ye Guya was hard-hearted: "I won't let you see her, unless you promise to give us mother and daughter status."

"I don't want to continue arguing with you." Nie Fan was very disappointed: "Every time you come here, you always quarrel with me. Have you ever thought that Xi Wei also wants to see me?"

"I don't care. On Xiaoxi's fifth birthday, if you can't give us a satisfactory answer, I will prevent you from seeing us in the future."

It seems that this time Yeguya got ruthless.

"Xi Wei's surname is Nie, why don't you let me see her?" Nie Fan was very angry.

"As long as I'm her mother, I'll change her surname to Ye at worst. An illegitimate daughter should be an illegitimate daughter..."

A loud slap.

Everything was quiet again, so quiet that I could hear my own breathing.

"Xi, Xi Wei!" The two people in the room were shocked at the same time, looking at the little girl standing at the door somehow.

"You bad guy, you hit my mother." Nie Xiwei, who was petite and exquisite, clenched his hands into fists and rushed forward to punch and kick Nie Fan's thigh.

She is not very strong at such a young age, and with her thin and sickly body, her rain-like fists hit Nie Fan's body like a massage.

"Xi Wei is already this big?" The tall father bent down, picked up the stubborn child in both hands, and looked at the child in his arms in disbelief.

I was surprised to find that my daughter's appearance and charm are somewhat similar to my son's when he was a child.

"Put me down, scoundrel, scoundrel." From then on, in Nie Xiwei's heart, he already regarded Nie Fan as the villain who bullied her mother.

Nie Fan smiled, and looked closely at his daughter's facial features. Unexpectedly, the fetus that he wanted to abort in the blink of an eye is now more than four years old.

A lively, naughty and cute little girl.

Even though Ye Guya harbored resentment towards Nie Fan, she still couldn't bear to see her daughter beating him, so she quickly called out to her daughter, "Xiao Xi, don't mess around, call me a dick."

"Wow?" Nie Xiwei stared at Ye Guya's red, swollen and haggard face, and then at the handsome man holding him in his arms.

"Yeah, he's your sweetheart, good boy, let's call him sweetheart."

"Daughter, I am your sweetheart."

Nie Fan teased her cheerfully. His father, Nie Zhenlong, kept complaining that the three of them would only have male grandchildren, not daughter grandchildren.

It's good now, Nie Fan not only has a clever and witty son, but also a lively and active daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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