Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 121 2 Shem 4: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 121 2 Shem 4: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Nie Fan teased her cheerfully. His father, Nie Zhenlong, kept complaining that the three of them would only have male grandchildren, not daughter grandchildren.

It's good now, Nie Fan not only has a clever and witty son, but also a lively and active daughter.

Since Nie Xiwei was born, the head office of Nie Group moved to Manhattan, USA for development, and he has been traveling between the United States and China. The business of the company is growing, and he is getting more and more busy. Sometimes he is too busy to take care of his son at home. .

Not to mention my daughter!

"You are not my baby, you bully my mother." She is very sensible at such a young age.

"Xiaoxi don't mess around, he is really your sweetheart."

"But, he hit mom." She could clearly see the slap just now.

"Xiaoxi got it wrong just now." Ye Guya hugged her daughter and coaxed her softly: "Xiaoxi is very obedient, isn't she? Come on, call Diadie, let Diadie live with us in the future, okay?"

Nie Fan was troubled when he heard this, but he didn't speak, eagerly waiting for his daughter's first cry.

"Did you really not hit my mother?" She looked at him.

"I won't fight again in the future." He promised, it was just that he couldn't bear it just now.

No one could change his daughter's name, not even Yeguya.

"Okay then." Nie Xiwei reluctantly uttered the first sentence since his birth under the supervision of his parents: "Dear."

"Good girl!" Nie Fan hugged Nie Xiwei joyfully, and kissed her tender face heavily.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
When Nie Fan returned to the Nie Mansion, he met his nine-year-old son Nie Xichen coming home from school.

Nine-year-old Nie Xichen was taller and stronger than his peers, with a handsome face ten times better than Nie Fan, and ran towards the basketball court with a rolling basketball.

Behind him were his companions Zhang Yingran and Lin Zhaohui, as well as the beautiful little Zhuoying.

They are all nephews of the Nie family, and they usually go to and after school together and play together.

"Hey, when did you come back?"

Seeing his father walking towards him, Nie Xichen stopped, threw the basketball in his hand to Lin Zhaohui in the distance, and signaled them to play first.

"I came back yesterday to see a friend... Xichen seems to have grown taller!"

It seemed like half a year ago when we last met.

[The website has been updated to 130, and the bookstore is only 117. It's really none of my business, woo, it's not that I'm slow.It's because the mobile phone bookstore can't keep up, can't keep up... 】

(End of this chapter)

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