Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 122 2 Shem 5: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 122 2 Shem 5: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

It seemed like half a year ago when we last met.

"Hmm." Ever since He Yanran left home at the age of five, and Nie Fan spent more time on business trips than in residence, Nie Xichen is the only person living in Nie's mansion now.

For this reason, his personality has become independent. When he has nothing to do, he finds a few classmates to go home to play basketball. When he is on vacation, he will be accompanied by his housekeeper Uncle Chen to fly to France.

In his eyes, he always felt that his parents were separated due to busy work.

Maybe I was not close to my parents since I was a child, and the content of their chats was rarely very indifferent.

"How long are you staying this time?"

"Your grandpa will come back next Monday. We have something to talk about. Maybe we should leave next Tuesday." He carefully looked at the expression on his son's face: "Have you called your mother recently?"

"Mommy is busy with the opening of the branch, we haven't chatted much."

He shrugged helplessly, not understanding why adults were always so busy.

Grandpa is like this, Mommy is like this, even uncles and aunts are like this.

Nie Fan thought about it for a while but was still unable to open his mouth. He didn't know what to say when he told his son about Nie Xiwei.

"Brother, I'm coming!" A childish voice sounded, and a little boy about seven years old jumped up and rushed over.

Nie Xichen stroked his forehead with a headache: "What are you doing here?"

"I miss my brother, I'm going to sleep here tonight."

When talking, the cute Nie Hong hugged Nie Xichen and smiled uncomfortably.

This Nie Hong is always clinging to others, Nie Xichen pushed away his approaching little face with both hands: "You talk as soon as you talk, why are you hugging me?"

Just like a puppy, except that he didn't use his tongue to add to his handsome face.

Ouch, it's disgusting!
"It's so warm to hold my brother." It's like magic glue that can't be shaken off.

Hearing this, Nie Xichen shuddered all over, and then said gloomily, "Nie Hong, why don't we compete in Taekwondo?"

The descendants of the Nie family have had to practice taekwondo since they were young, and everyone has special skills.

As the eldest grandson, Nie Xichen's martial arts is naturally better than Nie Hong's, and every time he fights, he will only lose.

Hearing that Nie Hong jumped away, he yelled at Nie Fan: "Uncle, when did you come back? We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

He immediately put Nie Xichen aside.

Nie Xichen stared at his cousin Nie Hong with contempt, and ran towards the basketball court. Zhang Yingran and the others had been waiting for him for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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