Chapter 1215 Infinite Love

She didn't want him anymore, she hated him, so she simply ran away.

This also explained why she suddenly obeyed him just now and no longer resisted his closeness.

He is so stupid to think that she no longer hates him and that she likes himself.

But in the world, where can there be love in the blink of an eye?

A person who has hated for several years, suddenly no longer hates, and will treat him...

I think of her smile, her touch, and her rare soft words.

It turned out that all of this was just her plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Mo Ling went crazy, his right hand pressed the position of the heart, it hurt so badly: "Xiaoyan..."

"What?" came the answering voice behind him, and it was so familiar that it made his heart ache.

He turned around suddenly and saw her clearly, standing at the kitchen door, holding a soup bowl in his right hand and a spoon in his left.

With a greedy look on his face, his mouth was swollen, but he frowned and complained: "You put too much salt."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went back to the kitchen.

He was stunned, and the feeling of heartache disappeared miraculously because of her appearance.

Quickly regaining consciousness, he strode into the kitchen.

Sure enough, Yan Xiaozhu was standing inside, and at this moment, he put the big soup bowl in his hand on the dining table, and then took the other bowl to hold porridge and water.

After serving, put down the lid, turn around and put the bowl on the dining table, saying: "This is yours."

She didn't look at him, and started to gobble it up on her own.

Approaching her mechanically, he saw that the big soup bowl in front of her was already facing the bottom.

It was enough to see how hungry she was.

It turned out that she was still here, did not run away, and did not want him.

"There are steamed buns in the freezer, do you want them?" Unable to restrain himself, his hand reached out to the top of her hair.

With disbelief and hesitation, he gently touched her hair.

Finally she raised her head, not knowing whether it was his action or the bun in his mouth, she smiled lightly: "Yes."

Like a miracle, his heart softened again.

Lowering his head, a trembling kiss fell on her hair, filled with his infinite love.

It's great that she's really here!

Letting her go, he quickly walked to the freezer to search.

When cooking porridge at noon, he opened the freezer and knew that there were a lot of ingredients in it.

There is also a large bag of buns, which are extremely delicate and can be eaten only by heating.

He was the eldest son when he was a child, and he didn't need to do housework, but after he went to England, he began to live independently.

He can cook simple noodles and porridge, even stir fry and fry steak.

(End of this chapter)

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