Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1216 Because I Remember Mom

Chapter 1216 Because I Remember Mom
He can cook simple noodles and porridge, even stir fry and fry steak.

At that time, he always firmly believed that one day he could find her back. At that time, he would make delicious food for her and buy her a lot of good things.

Let her live a good life with him, let her be his happy little wife.

So he has been studying hard so that he can find a good job in the future and earn a lot of money for her to spend. On the other hand, he has been working hard to learn to take care of himself and take good care of her and himself.

While heating the buns in the pot, Yan Xiaozhu spooned another bowl of porridge.

She was not in a hurry to drink the porridge, but looked at the heating pot.

The big bowl just now has already appeased her stomach.

He looked back at her, saw her serious look, couldn't help laughing in his heart, and also laughed at his gaffe just now.

It is undeniable that her every move made him lose control involuntarily.

Yan Xiaozhu looked up at him with a question mark on his face?

She has always been a quiet and cold person, if she can not speak, she always tries not to speak.

"No, I just miss you being here." He returned her a bright smile.

She was startled and looked at him, not quite understanding what he meant.

He stretched out his hand to her, and then his arms pressed against her tightly. He assured her: "If I don't do well, can you tell me? I will definitely make it better."

As long as she doesn't leave him, he can do anything for her.

Love makes him surrender.

She nodded and responded softly, "Yes."

When she didn't speak, he looked very nervous: "Can't you get angry if you don't speak?"


"Xiaoyan, I love you!"

She raised her head and turned her face to look at him, her lips were immediately sealed by him.

With countless lingering and love, he sucked fiercely, as if he wanted to make up for all that was lost in the past few years.

After the kiss, she leaned into his arms, as quiet as when she was a child.

But it's very different from her these days.

He was afraid, but had to ask her: "Why? Why would you forgive me?"

Her eyelashes fluttered and drooped, as if she was thinking about something.

He thought for a long time, so long that he thought she didn't want to answer.

If she doesn't want to talk, then don't ask.

As long as she was willing to let him stay, he was already content.

"Because I think of my mother." The clear and fragrant porridge reminded her of Mo's mother.

There is also Mo's father, Mo Ling and himself when he was a child.

When she was a child, although she was very afraid of Mo Ling's closeness, there was no denying that she had a very happy time at Mo Ling's house.

(End of this chapter)

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