Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1218 Well, I Listen to You

Chapter 1218 Well, I Listen to You
Take your time, one day, he will let her go back to meet her parents as Mo Ling's wife.

Wrapping her waist lightly, he whispered softly: "Well, I'll listen to you."

From now on, I will do whatever you say.

[——Ye Xiwei's original "Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl"——].
In the evening, the colorful lights first appeared.

Ye Ziye rushed down from the second floor with his jacket and side bag in his arms, yelling, "Oops, why didn't you wake me up?"

Like a wind roll, it came to the living room in two or three strokes.

There were two people sitting there, one was Zuo Zhe and the other was Qin Jun.

The two, one with black skin and the other with white skin, seemed to be talking about some secrets, and when they saw her coming, they immediately shut their mouths.

She was suspicious for half a second, but she couldn't arouse her interest. While putting on her coat, she said hello: "Hi, Xiao Qin, how are you?"

"Huh? Are you going out in the middle of the night?" Qin Jun nodded, still gentle and polite, looking like a good man: "It's raining heavily outside now, and it's almost time for dinner."

"Well, I'm going to see Xiao Hei." She left a message to Yan Xiaozhu who was drunk, saying that she went to accompany her for dinner at night, and it was already seven o'clock.

Xiao Hei must have waited impatiently.

No, hurry up, run over as soon as possible.

The stern and handsome man raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Let's go tomorrow, it's already so late."

After returning home for a few hours, he hurried out again.

He hasn't settled yesterday's account with her yet.

On such an important day as the second day of the new year, he left him and ran out to have a good time.

Playing skateboards with Mo Ling and the others for a while, causing a sensation in the city, drinking with Yan Xiaozhu for a while, getting so drunk that he didn't even know the way home.

"No, if I don't go there, maybe she's still drunk, I'll go and see."

What's more, according to Yan Xiaozhu's bad record, maybe he won't drink dinner and continue to live on the sofa to fend for himself.

At least she's going over there to make sure she's eating.

Ignoring Zuo Zhe's objection at all, she put her bag on her shoulders, stepped out of the living room with long feet, and walked out of the main house's gate.

Sure enough, there was a lot of beeping outside.

Turn the whole garden into a world of rainwater, misty.

Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun came to her one after another, also looking at the gray sky outside.

"Call first, maybe she has woken up." Qin Jun interjected, probably knowing what was going on.

Driving out in such a heavy rain, the road conditions are not good, which is really worrying about her safety.

(End of this chapter)

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