Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1219 She stayed here for dinner?

Chapter 1219 She stayed here for dinner?

Driving out in such a heavy rain, the road conditions are not good, which is really worrying about her safety.

If you don't need to go, don't go there.

Maybe at least wait until the rain stops before making a plan.

Ye Ziye didn't think so. She felt that Yan Xiaozhu was in a bad mood and depressed. As a good friend, she should be by her side.

This is the most basic condition for being a bosom friend.

What's more, the other party is Xiao Hei who shares weal and woe.

"I'm leaving first, don't wait for me to eat..." She lowered her head and took out the car keys from her bag. When she looked up, she saw a figure walking from the corridor next to the main house.

This figure is very strange, but reveals an incomparable sense of menace.

As she got closer and closer, she looked at her exquisite facial features and decent and calm demeanor.

Ye Ziye couldn't help turning her head and asked Zuo Zhe in a low voice: "Her, why is she here?"

"Xiaolu came here with me." It was Qin Jun who answered her: "We have something to discuss."

After saying that, Shangguan Lu had already come to them.

The beautiful single phoenix eyes fell on Ye Ziye's face, without any extra emotion, he just greeted him indifferently: "Hi, long time no see."

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, with a faint smile on her face, which seemed to be more friendly than before.

The lack of arrogance and disdain made her look a little more pretty and charming.

"Long time no see." Ye Ziye replied to her, a little dazed.

I remembered that on New Year's Eve, I saw her attending her school uniform party, but I didn't meet her who was hosting the party, and waited for an opportunity to pester Zuo Zhe for a conversation.

The next day, I saw her sitting in Zuo Zhe's car, and now she openly came to her door.

Ye Ziye was well aware of Shangguan Lu's ambitions for Zuo Zhe and Baihutang.

At the same time, she knew very well that Shangguan Lu occupied a special and complicated place in Zuo Zhe's heart.

It is impossible for Zuo Zhe to like her, but Shangguan Lu is a very scheming person, and she has secretly sabotaged it more than once.

It's just that Zuo Zhe tolerated it again and again...

After the two girls greeted each other, Shangguan Lu turned to Zuo Zhe and said, "I just went to the kitchen to check, and the dinner is ready and ready to serve at any time."

She stays here for dinner?

Zuo Zhe didn't speak, his eyes were always on Ye Ziye, and he said: "Let's go out after eating, it's not less than half an hour."

He knew what Ye Ziye decided, and he would definitely do it.

And he is very aware of Yan Xiaozhu's weight, if she is forced to make a choice, it will only cause trouble, and the relationship between the two will become tense.

(End of this chapter)

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