Chapter 1220

And he is very aware of Yan Xiaozhu's weight, if she is forced to make a choice, it will only cause trouble, and the relationship between the two will become tense.

When he said this, he didn't have much hope that she would stay.

If she insisted on going out, he had no choice but to give up his life to accompany Junzi, leaving Qin Jun and Shangguan Lu behind, and drove her to the old house.

The rain was too heavy, and he was worried about her going out alone.

Qin Jun interjected again: "Yeah, let's go out after dinner. Xiaolu made her best dishes, such as sweet and sour fish and baked goose with potatoes. You must have never tried it. It's amazing!"

Hearing this, her eyes shifted to him: "Are you good at cooking?"

"Yeah, these two are my best. Xiaozhe and Xiaoqin used to like to eat them very much. You should try them too."

It was Shangguan Lu who spoke. She looked a little shy at the moment, and looked up at Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun.

It seemed that he was trying to please her to keep her, but Ye Ziye felt that it was a little provocative.

She said it was her specialty, and Zuo Zhe liked it very much.

This... This is clearly Chi Guoguo's challenge.

Hmph, the whole world knows that Ye Ziye is a kitchen idiot, she can only barely eat the food she cooks, she only wants to be cooked, not delicious.

Shangguan Lu set foot on her territory (Zuojia villa), using her best things to challenge her worst skills.

Yes, clearly challenging her ability.

Is this guy dead set on Zuo Zhe?

While bowing his head in thought, Zuo Zhe wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and the voice of his words lingered in her ears: "Call your little black first."

The tone of his speech was a bit sour, although he understood the importance of Yan Xiaozhu, but at the same time he was jealous of her importance.

So I always talk with the word 'your', embellishing Xiao Hei's name fiercely.

Ye Ziye couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and squinted at him: "Okay, I'll call my Xiao Hei."

With his head held high, as proud as a peacock, he took out his cell phone from his pocket, pursed his lips, and suppressed a smile.

The cruel man was almost stunned by her, this little girl really thought that Yan Xiaozhu belonged to her.

When he was blowing his beard and eyes, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Xiao Hei, are you awake?" He greeted nervously and concerned.

"Nonsense, if I haven't woken up, how can I answer your call." Yan Xiaozhu's rare teasing and teasing came.

A black line ran down Ye Ziye's happy face.

Kindly kissed by Lei.

Yan Xiaozhu naturally guessed her expression. We have been with each other for so long, and we understand each other's temperament more or less.

(End of this chapter)

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