Chapter 1235
The dark yellow Lexus was parked next to the Lamborghini, wondering whose out-of-print sports car it was?

After the two got out of the car, they heard the roaring sound of the engine with excellent performance, and walked quickly, followed by the pleasant sound of brakes.

Wow, just listening to the sound is already exciting.

I couldn't wait to rush in, wanting to see what kind of car it was and who was driving it.

The door of the warehouse was wide open, and people from Nie's family and several staff members could be seen from a distance.

Season is dressed in casual clothes and has a long body. No matter when and where, how he wears and how he stands, he is very noble and uninhibited.

He put his arm around his wife's shoulder, and the two of them looked at the sports car not far ahead at the same time, which was speeding at a high speed.

Lan Xin was still elegant and refined, with no powder on her beautiful face, big black eyes, and alluring red lips like cherries.

It was opened lightly, with a gentle and pleasant appearance, as if talking to her husband.

Jimmy was the first to see Ye Ziye, and he waved at her vigorously: "You are too slow, we have already started."

Then, the others turned around and looked over.

Wow, Nie Hong and He Shufen, Klaus and Lu Xiya, team captain Peng Zi and several staff members are all here.

Young Master Nie's charisma is indeed extraordinary, and there is always a group of people supporting him no matter when and where.

"Where is who?" Running forward, she raised her head to signal the drifting sports car.

"Loren and Sean."

Zuo Zhe was not as childish as Ye Ziye, he came slowly and nodded to them coolly.

Afterwards, everyone's eyes turned back to the competing sports cars.

The design of the warehouse is very large and spacious, with discarded tires and some auto parts piled up next to it.

Playing racing cars is equivalent to playing money-burning games.

The speed of tire replacement is particularly fast. It is replaced every few laps. It is conceivable how many tires in the team need to be replaced in a day.

Without enough funds, without enough ability, who has the ability to burn money?

Even if you have this capital, you may not be interested in it, and put your life on a dangerous project.

And Season has exactly this ability and interest.

At the beginning, he set up the team without telling his grandfather, not only because of work needs, but also because of his personal interests.

Originally, his plan was to hit the national racing scene and become an amateur but excellent driver.

(End of this chapter)

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