Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1236 Can't Finish the Fifth Circle

Chapter 1236 Can't End the Fifth Circle

Originally, his plan was to hit the national racing scene and become an amateur but excellent driver.

Later, because of a car accident, he was strictly forbidden by his grandfather and Lan Xin to develop in this direction.

They didn't want to suffer the pain of losing him again.

Season knew in his heart that he had no objection, and he would really obediently be a spectator in the future.

When I have free time, I will run two laps with the drivers of the team, that's all.

But he has a deep knowledge of car drifting, so now I'm watching Loren (Lauren) and Sean (Sean) tandem with each other.

He shook his head a little, and said meaningfully: "They can't finish six laps."

Indoors, drifting in such a narrow and bendy place requires a lot of attention to the driver's control over the vehicle.

One accidentally crashes into the pile of tires next to it.

And the two of them frequently appeared in danger, either getting into position too early, or spinning around too quickly.

"What lap is it now?" Ye Ziye asked curiously.

"Start the fourth lap." Driver Peng Zi replied, he nodded in agreement with Season's words.

Tires are placed in the warehouse, some are placed in the center, some are placed on the left, and some are grouped into a small rectangle.

The car can only accommodate its length after entering, and the requirements of the competition must pass through it at a very high speed.

In such a large warehouse, stacked tires will block part of the line of sight.

Therefore, cameras are installed everywhere in the warehouse, and several computers are placed in front of where they stand.

Some are used to monitor data, and some are used to broadcast schedules.

Once the car runs far, you can see its trend through the computer.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the tail of the leading black sports car hit the discarded tire used as a guardrail.

The deflated tires bounced, and one of them crashed into the windshield of the blue sports car behind him.

All of a sudden, the two sports cars messed up.

He stopped sharply one after another, but soon started to run the rest of the distance.

Season's handsome face couldn't help but chuckled, his deep eyes were firm: "It seems that I can't finish the fifth round."

His words attracted everyone's attention, thinking that he was too arbitrary.

Peng Zi also said, "Well, I probably won't be able to take it."

So everyone believed it. When their eyes were on the screen again, the black sports car skidded and crashed into the pile of tires abruptly.

With a sudden brake, and then another sudden brake, the two cars passed by and were forced to stop.

The staff waiting on the side ran forward to check whether the people in the sports car were injured.

(End of this chapter)

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