Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1237 They usually run the most

Chapter 1237 They usually run the most

The staff waiting on the side ran forward to check whether the people in the sports car were injured.

However, judging from the situation, there was no serious collision between the two cars, and the drivers inside should be fine.

Soon, the two sports cars started up again and came back towards them.

As Season said, did not complete the fifth lap.

Jimmy (Jimmy) ran forward, and the staff here also ran forward, and they all checked the condition of the sports car.

And the tires were removed, and Jimmy (Jimmy) squatted there, studying the modified parts inside.

He was amazed: "The engines of these two cars are great, and they use the most advanced and fastest-starting unit inside."

"Yes, the car is not bad." Sean (Sean) who got out of the car praised: "I believe the modification inside is expensive."

"These two cars are not the most expensive." Peng Zi pointed to the garage next to the warehouse like a treasure: "There are still a few cars in there, and the performance is absolutely superior to the top."

Who is Season?

He is the future heir of the billionaire Nie Group.

Although he didn't really take over the head office, he owns private properties and branches, only a small part of which is enough to make him squander his luxurious life.

All the team's expenses in the early stage were barely supported by his year-end dividends. Later, under his management, the team has gone through a few games and is now able to operate independently.

In order to achieve the most comprehensive development, he has continuously purchased the most advanced machines to meet the growing needs of personnel.

Now the team has more than just Peng Zi as the main driver, and anyone who is involved can participate in a large-scale racing car.

At the same time, work and entertainment, in addition to using other car factory parts in the team.

They will also use the brand cars of their own car factory to develop step by step. In the future, Nie Fan car factory will be the main car of the team.

Participate in world-class events with your own cars and parts.

His vision is very far, very far, definitely not what ordinary people dare to think and do.

The computer screen shows that the staff in the distance have sorted out the fence and tires that were knocked down.

The next round can start at any time.

Peng Zi looked at Season provocatively: "Hey, how's it going? How about we play a game?"

They usually run the most on this field, so they are naturally confident that they will finish it smoothly.

Season just laughed and didn't answer, because he knew someone would definitely jump in line.

(End of this chapter)

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