Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 124 2 Shem 7: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 124 2 Shem 7: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Nie Xichen quickly added: "But Mommy said that there will be no more children, and I'm afraid there won't be a younger sister."

Nie Fan was stunned: "Have you told your mother?"

"Yeah, I asked Mommy during the summer vacation, and she said she was busy and didn't have time to give birth to my younger sister." He shrugged: "So you don't have to think about it."

He and He Yanran have been living apart for four years, and they haven't been in the same room for nine years. How could it be possible to have a child?

"What if we adopt one?" He had to test his son's thoughts further: "Maybe Daddy has a child outside? Are you willing to be with her..."

Nie Hong rushed to answer: "Did uncle mean an illegitimate child or an illegitimate daughter?"

Nie Fan didn't speak but just watched his son's reaction.

Nie Xichen's face was obviously gloomy, and he said seriously: "If it's not Mommy's younger sister, I don't want it."

Nie Hong agreed flatteringly: "My brother doesn't want it, and I don't want it either."

Nie Xichen stared at his father with sly eyes: "Not only will I not want it, but I will also bully her, and bully her very badly."

Nie Hong nodded vigorously in agreement: "It's very miserable."

It was already obvious that Nie Xichen couldn't accept Nie Xiwei's existence.

He originally wanted to get his son's consent, and then taking advantage of his father Nie Zhenlong's love for Nie Xichen, the two fathers and sons joined forces and stood on the same front, and his daughter's problem would be solved easily.

He leaned back on the seat dejectedly, unable to utter another word.

And his expression caught the eyes of his clever son, and Nie Xichen vaguely felt that something bad was coming.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
"No, Xichen doesn't like Xi Wei." Nie Fan watched his daughter and his servant catching butterflies in the garden, and his bright and innocent smile hurt him deeply.

"Don't think about Xichen, think about our daughter, she will go to school soon, she must not have a registered permanent residence."

"There must be other ways." Their Nie family is rich and powerful, with one household registration, it's a very simple question.

It's just that her household registration cannot belong to his name, because the son cannot know the existence of the daughter.

"Do you want your daughter to have someone else's surname?" Ye Guya grasped his weakness and persuaded, "Brother Fan, it's just a name."

"If I say no, I can't. How many times do you want me to say it?" Nie Fan stared at Ye Guya's delicate face irritably: "The Nie family only has one eldest daughter-in-law, and she is He Yanran."

(End of this chapter)

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