Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 125 2 Shem 8: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 125 2 Shem 8: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

"If I say no, I can't. How many times do you want me to say it?" Nie Fan stared at Ye Guya's delicate face irritably: "The Nie family only has one eldest daughter-in-law, and she is He Yanran."

She was always trembling and repeating this question, and he was already tired of it.

Ye Guya caressed her face in grievance, and tears rolled down silently: "You guard for her the things she doesn't care about, and you are stingy in giving what Xiaoxi and I desire."

"You don't say any more."

"We just want something she doesn't want, and this thing originally belonged to me." Thinking of how affectionate they were in foreign universities back then.

"Don't say any more, I'm the one who's sorry for you, and I owe you my whole life." Nie Fan's eyes turned red. If he hadn't empathized with each other back then, he wouldn't have the regrets he has today.

"Do you still remember your promise?" Ye Guya hugged him tightly: "You said that I would marry me after graduation, you said that you only loved me, you said that you..."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." Nie Fan's tears finally burst out.

Over the years, he has been very guilty. Even if he married He Yanran back then, there was a place for Ye Guya in a certain corner of his heart.

His first love, he betrayed her.

After Nie Xiwei's birth, his sense of guilt grew day by day, overwhelming him.

A good girl was ruined by him just like that.

He was ashamed of her love.

In the past few years since his daughter was born, many times he was in China, and he rarely came to visit them, because he really couldn't bear this wrong love in his heart.

He had no face to face their mother and daughter.


Those he loved abandoned him, and those who loved him were abandoned by him.

In the past few years when He Yanran left home and went to France to develop, they only saw her on the birthdays of their son and father, except for a quick glimpse at the Nie Group's summary meeting at the end of the year.

She still lives glamorously, proudly like a beautiful peacock.

Every business-like conversation is business-like politeness.

In the past few years, he has never stopped loving her, but what about her?There are many suitors in France, and it is always heard that she is dating some gentleman.

Maybe she doesn't care about the title of Nie's eldest son and daughter-in-law at all.

He has been defending her to the death, but what did he get in exchange for this title?
The husband and wife have forgotten each other for ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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