Chapter 1249

In the end, it was no match for the strength of the crowd, so Season agreed.

The staff was called to remove the tires in the center of the warehouse, leaving a large space.

This warehouse is already very large, and it is usually only used to pile up discarded parts. Every once in a while, someone will come to pack it up and sell it.

Therefore, another use of this huge warehouse is indoor drifting.

When everyone was wondering what he did, Season had already sat in the sports car handsomely.

The engine starts, and the sports car rolls back to one side at extreme speed to prepare.

Then I saw Peng Zi walking leisurely to the middle of the open space with a cigarette in his mouth, and gestured OK to Season.

"What's the matter?" Everyone asked each other, wondering about their behavior.

"do not know."

Don't you want to start performing drifts?

It doesn't matter if there is no curve, Peng Zi is still standing in the middle of the open space.

He stands there, so there is room for Season to perform drifting?

"I know, it's a cool move." Loren (Lauren) understood: "But the difficulty is quite high."

Sean touched his chin and nodded: "And it's very dangerous. If you don't have full confidence and strength, people will die in minutes."

When Lan Xin heard this, her expression changed suddenly, and she stepped forward without saying a word, trying to restrain her husband's desperate behavior.

She knew her husband's character very well, the more dangerous the more exciting, the more he wanted to do.

But he promised her and grandpa that he would no longer make fun of his life.

How can you play a game that will 'kill people' at this moment?
No, she must stop him.

"Xichen, don't."

Nie Hong, who was standing next to her, grabbed her: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, you have to trust my brother, he won't do this without full confidence."


Before he finished speaking, the dazzling black sports car accelerated in full speed, and flew towards Peng Zi at an astonishing speed.

That ruthlessness and speed made everyone's faces pale.

I saw that Peng Zi was not afraid, still standing where he was smoking, and his eyes met the oncoming car.

Just at the moment when he was about to hit him, and when everyone's hearts stopped, there was a sudden sound of braking.

The front of the car was positioned half a meter away from Peng Zi, while the rear of the car swung to one side because of the inertial brake.

All the people held their breath and stared closely at the distance of [-] meters.

No breathing, no movement, just one breath and one movement will cause the car to hit Peng Zi.

(End of this chapter)

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