Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1250 Executed this trick beautifully

Chapter 1250 Use this trick beautifully

No breathing, no movement, just one breath and one movement will cause the car to hit Peng Zi.

Staring at it without blinking, it was clearly visible that Season in the driver's seat turned the steering wheel quickly.

The car is like a lump, constantly turning around Pengzi as the center point.

Round and round, endless cycle.

The sound of braking and refueling was intertwined, resounding inside and outside the entire warehouse with an arrogant attitude.

And what about Peng Zi standing in the middle?
He seemed to enjoy giving a thumbs up to Season in the car, holding a cigarette with the other hand, puffing out the corners of his mouth.

Don't take this danger that may get out of control at any time seriously.

The car revolved around him, one circle after another, and every circle was flawless.

The front of the car in each circle is facing Peng Zi, and the car body moves horizontally and circles.

This kind of drift is very technical, and there are many things to take into account. If you can't cooperate with one of them, the whole drift action will be ruined.

And its good or bad lies in whether its speed can maintain coherence, and whether the circle it turns out is perfect.

Season did it, and he pulled it off beautifully.

Whether it's speed or angle, they are all held just right, without any mistakes.

This kind of turning is determined by the number of turns. The more turns, the more sensitive the driver is, and the more turns, the more the control of the vehicle will be tested.

Everyone forgot about themselves, only this dazzling sports car was in front of them.

Inside the sports car is the most dazzling man.

I don't know how many times I turned around, suddenly the car braked sharply and stopped in front of Peng Zi.

The window of the car was just in front of the people in front of him, and he smiled eloquently, and gave an American military salute to everyone.

That handsome force and dazzling light made it impossible to breathe.

"Damn, it's great!" Ye Ziye screamed first, and rushed forward excitedly: "How did you do it? Wow, how did you do this move?"

"Brother, you are so handsome."

"It's amazing, wow, it's terrible!"

"Words can't describe it."

Everyone swarmed forward, praising each other in a hurry, and they couldn't tell which sentence came from which person's mouth.

And Season's face was full of spirits, his thin lips smiled beautifully, and his pair of deep and charming eyes were tightly locked on his wife's body at this moment.

Although he had a great time playing, he was also afraid that his wife would be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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