Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 127 2 Shem 10: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 127 2 Shem 10: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Zhang Yingran was the calmest: "How tall is he? What clothes does he wear? What does he look like?"

"He's taller than my brother, and wears an orange coat." Nie Hong finally stopped crying, tilting his head and thinking: "His face is very round and fierce."

Lin Zhaohui jumped up anxiously: "And then?"

How do they find the original culprit?
Zhuoying tugged at Nie Xichen's arm: "Let's not ask for now, let's take him to the medical room for disinfection and dressing."

"Hmm." Nie Xichen agreed, taking the initiative to hold Nie Hong's hand for the first time: "Let's go, I'll take you to bandage the wound."

"Brother!" Nie Hong hugged his arm emotionally.

Nie Xichen didn't struggle to get rid of him.

He is the only one who can bully Nie Hong in his family. That guy who doesn't know what is good or bad has the guts to beat the boy of their Nie family?

He must pay him tenfold.

After they were bandaged, Nie Xichen called the housekeeper, Uncle Chen, to pick them up from the school.

He sent the scarred Nie Hong back to his home, and his second uncle Nie Baihao was also angry, so he asked the principal of the school to deal with the matter that night.

On the way home, Uncle Chen said to him: "Young master, just now my young lady called and asked, are you going to France this winter vacation?"

"Grandpa said before that he would come back to spend the New Year with me during the winter vacation. I'm afraid I can't go abroad."

"Will the young master ask me to reply to the young mistress?"

"No, I told her myself that Mommy hasn't come back for several years. I'll let her come back to accompany me for the New Year. It's fun for everyone to be together."

Uncle Chen's face suddenly changed, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

The car was parked in front of the garden. After Nie Xichen got out of the car, he found grandpa's special Lincoln car parked beside him. He was overjoyed and asked the housekeeper, "Did grandpa come back?"

The butler smiled gently: "Yes, young master. It's just that the master told us not to disturb the study."

"Is Daddy in the study too?"


Nie Xichen threw the backpack to the housekeeper, Uncle Chen, and ran across the garden to the big house.

Grandpa Nie Zhenlong loved him very much since he was a child, and the relationship between the two grandparents has always been very good.

Nie Xichen took off his down jacket in the living room and walked towards the study.

Thinking about it, it seems that he and grandpa haven't seen each other for two months.

It doesn't matter how busy you are, Nie Zhenlong will always make long-distance calls to him every night.

Nie Xichen's relationship with his grandfather is even deeper than his relationship with his father, because in some respects his personality is somewhat similar to his grandfather's, and he is also decisive and shrewd, unlike Nie Fan's indecision.

(End of this chapter)

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