Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 128 2 Shem 11: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 128 2 Shem 11: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Nie Xichen's relationship with his grandfather is even deeper than his relationship with his father, because in some respects his personality is somewhat similar to his grandfather's, and he is also decisive and shrewd, unlike Nie Fan's indecision.

The door of the study room was ajar, and Nie Zhenlong's deafening lecturing voice could be heard clearly: "I won't agree, it wasn't allowed ten years ago, and it's not allowed now, either. Don't think about it."

Nie Fan's voice was rare and tough: "Hey, the relationship between Yanran and me has been obvious to you all these years."

"Who was going to marry her back then? Hmph, Nie Fan, has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

"Please listen to me..."

"You don't want to think about how important He's is to our Nie's. At the beginning, everyone was evenly matched in strength. Why did He's willing to merge into our group and just become a branch under our name? It's because of your marriage promise. "

Nie Zhenlong was so angry that smoke came out of his seven holes, and he fired a cannon: "What did you tell Mr. He when you got married? You will love her daughter for the rest of your life."

"I know it's my fault, but it's not that I didn't work hard, Yanran didn't give me a chance." After she knew about his relationship with Ye Guya, she hated him and avoided him.

"You work hard? If I didn't go to the United States to find you, would you come back to get married? Are you worthy of her? She endured the humiliation for your betrayal, gritted her teeth and swallowed tears, and married you with the sake of the two families' face."

"How can you let her be wronged like this? She has learned a lot, is knowledgeable in books and etiquette, has appearance and wisdom, and you, Nie Fan, are not the only man worthy of her."

"Hey! Now is not the time to talk about old scores." No matter what, it was his fault.

"What do you want to say? You want to say your mistress?" Nie Zhenlong's voice trembled with anger: "What did she do for our Nie family? What did she sacrifice for us?"

In Nie Zhenlong's eyes and heart, He Yanran is his daughter-in-law, and she is the only one.

He has always remembered the contributions and sacrifices made by the He family, and never dared to forget them, especially He Yanran's general knowledge, even though he knew about Nie Fan's betrayal.

For so many years, he has never complained in front of outsiders, said a word that hurts the reputation of the family, has never been spoiled by favor, and has been working hard for the Nie Group.

No matter which side it is on, Nie Fan is a sinner through the ages: "Gu Ya is not a material for business, how can she be compared with Yan Ran?"

(End of this chapter)

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