Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 131 2 Shem 14: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 131 2 Shem 14: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

His father has been separated for many years and has not appeared in front of him at the same time since they were together. How could he not know that there is a conflict between them.

It's just that he has been anesthetizing himself. They are too busy, maybe their relationship is relatively weak, but he never thought that they would divorce.

"Young master." Uncle Chen sighed and approached him: "It's windy outside, it's easy to catch a cold, come in quickly."

"I almost have no parents. Whether I catch a cold or die, it's none of their business." Children of this age are particularly stubborn and rebellious.

"Oh, how can you talk like that?" Uncle Sun draped the down feather from the living room on his shoulders.

He grew up with Nie Xichen. This child is very cute when he is docile and obedient, but when he is stubborn, he can't be pulled back by several cows.

"They didn't separate because of busy work, but because of relationship problems." He turned to look at Uncle Chen and asked, "It's because Mommy has a mistress outside, so Mommy will go to France and never come back. Lied to me."

"They don't want you to be sad, and you are still young." He could only say this, and it would be more complicated if business matters were involved.

Is it too chaotic and unforgiving for a nine-year-old?

"If they get divorced, I'll show them my death." After finishing speaking, Nie Xichen threw the down from the shoulders out of the balcony.

Uncle Sun turned pale with fright.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
That day Nie Xichen asked Nie Hong to stand at the gate of the school gymnasium, where he, Zhang Yingran, and Lin Zhaohui all gathered.

Nie Hong pulled his arm timidly: "Brother, I want to go home."

"Don't be afraid, my brother will help you vent your grievances today." He has been in a very bad mood recently, extremely unhappy.

The father divorced and remarried, and ran away with a four-year-old younger sister for no reason; his cousin Nie Hong beat up the fat boy in the senior class for no reason.

The result of the negotiation between the second uncle and the principal was that the little fat man was the son of the director of the bureau.

He had already bullied the young ones at school, but when Nie Hong met him that day, he was in a bad mood, so he beat Nie Hong to vent his anger.

Later, the director apologized, but the little fat man was still very vicious when he saw Nie Hong in the school.

Nie Hong, who was originally timid and fearful, was so frightened that he cried at home and refused to go to school.

Nie Xichen couldn't see it, how could the men of the Nie family not fight back after being bullied like this?
(End of this chapter)

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