Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 132 2 Shem 15: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 132 2 Shem 15: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Nie Hong, who was originally timid and fearful, was so frightened that he cried at home and refused to go to school.

Nie Xichen couldn't see it, how could the men of the Nie family not fight back after being bullied like this?
So he dragged Nie Hong back to school.

"No, brother, he is very good at beating." Seeing the little fat man walking towards them, Nie Hong hurriedly hid behind him: "Let's go, okay? Let's go home."

"Do you believe me? Believe me, just stand and don't talk."

Nie Xichen pushed Nie Hong aside, stood in the middle of the road and stopped the fat and vicious little fat man.

At this time, Nie Xichen was only a third grader, Nie Hong was a first grader, and Fatty was a sixth grader.

The little fat man has always relied on his father as the chief of the bureau, and has been rampant in the school. The last time he saw his father for the first time, he even apologized to Nie Hong's father and saluted him. He was already full of anger.

Now it's all good, they actually came to the door: "Have you been beaten enough? Let your brother help you out?"

When Nie Hong was free and free, he called his old brother in school. Everyone knew that Nie Xichen, who was the smartest and most handsome in the school, was his elder brother.

Without saying a word, Nie Xichen raised his fist and punched the little fat man in the face.

"You bastard, you actually did it?" The little fat man was beaten for the first time, he was angry and scared: "Do you know that my father is Li Gang?"

"I don't care who your father is!" Nie Xichen punched and kicked, "It's your fault that you hit my second brother. Let's see if you dare to take a look."

Lin Zhaohui stepped forward to beat him up, and Zhang Yingran was in charge of guarding against the teacher seeing him.

Soon the little fat man lay on the ground and could not move.

After all, Nie Xichen has practiced martial arts for many years, and his fists and kicks are strong and powerful. Unlike the little fat man who only fights with brute force, once he is captured, he will look pale and weak.

Seeing this, Nie Hong immediately became happy: "I'll kill you, kill you."

"Second brother, come here." Nie Xichen pulled Lin Zhaohui to a stop and let the little fat man roll up from the ground.

"Brother." Nie Hong immediately ran to him.

He patted the dust off his hands and shook his head at him: "Go, beat him up."

"I, I dare not."

"You dare." The little fat man glared at them: "My father is Li Gang, I will let my father arrest you and lock you up."

"Catch us?" Lin Zhaohui couldn't bear to rush forward and kicked him: "I'll let my uncle catch your father and lock you father and son up."

Another round of punching and kicking.

(End of this chapter)

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