Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 133 2 Shem 16: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 133 2 Shem 16: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

"Catch us?" Lin Zhaohui couldn't bear to rush forward and kicked him: "I'll let my uncle catch your father and lock you father and son up."

Another round of punching and kicking.

"Do you still dare to bully my second child in the future?" Nie Xichen stepped on the little fat man.

"Don't dare."



"Who are you talking to? Master Hong."

In fact, this was Nie Xichen's first fight. Although the little fat man was a bit vulnerable, he was in a good mood after being depressed for a long time.

"Master Hong, I'm sorry, I won't dare to hit you again." The little fat man honestly begged for mercy.

"It's more or less the same." He let go of his foot and kicked his fat stomach again: "Go away, young master."

So the little fat man ran away obediently.

"My brother is amazing." Nie Hong looked up at his cousin almost in admiration.

"And me?" Lin Zhaohui approached with a smile.

From then on, when the little fat man saw them, they all walked around with their heads down.

However, the little fat man was beaten to the point of serious injury, and in the end Director Li Gang complained a few words.

The Nie family was so powerful that he didn't take him seriously at all. Later, some personnel connections were used to dismiss Director Li Gang from the government department for investigation.

Nie Zhenlong and his son never expected that this was just the beginning of Nie Xichen's rebellious period.

Since then, he has been obsessed with fighting, but he is not a classmate who is powerless in fighting, but a student who specializes in picking up taekwondo gyms and coming to challenge others.

Every day, I either go home with injuries, or others come to the door with injuries to reason.

What made the adults even more dumbfounded was that Zhang Yingran, Lin Zhaohui and Zhuo Ying were all dragged by him to cause trouble.

And the three of them followed his lead, let them beat them together, let them play truant with him.

Later, he felt that the gang of four was not enough, so he mobilized the whole class to go crazy with him. The whole class skipped school, cheated in exams, and attacked the teacher with paper balls in class.

In just one year, Nie Xichen's name has become famous all over the world, and newspapers and magazines have reported the deeds of this famous family.

Both the school and the taekwondo gym have his pranks.

The entire Nie Mansion was in a state of turmoil, so Nie Zhenlong had to retire from his flourishing career, and lived in the Nie Mansion in China to carefully train him.

In the kindergarten on the other side.

Nie Xiwei was lying on the floor playing with building blocks, and two little girls came over and grabbed the toys in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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