Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 134 2 Shem 17: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 134 2 Shem 17: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

In the kindergarten on the other side.

Nie Xiwei was lying on the floor playing with building blocks, and two little girls came over and grabbed the toys in her hands.

"This is mine, you can't steal my things." She blocked them with her body, and fought tenaciously to the end: "If you do this again, I will tell the teacher."

"The teacher said that everyone can play." The two little girls held her head and body, showing that there are more people bullying than others.

"I'm playing now." A very stubborn little Xi Wei.

"Xi Wei doesn't have a father, so don't bully her." A little boy ran out to save the beauty, but his words angered Nie Xiwei.

She pushed the little boy away angrily: "Of course I have a father, you don't have a father."

The little girl next to me interjected: "My mother said the same thing. That's what the teacher told my mother. You don't have a father and you don't have a registered permanent residence."

"Yes, I never saw her father pick her up."

"My dad will come get me."

The girls chattered and chattered, and the whole playground became chaotic.

"You talk nonsense." Nie Xiwei became furious, grabbed a building block on the ground and threw it at her little children's shoes who were watching her.

"I didn't talk nonsense, it was you who said nonsense."

"You are an illegitimate daughter."

"I'm not, I have a father." She stared at everyone aggrievedly: "I'm not, you are illegitimate."

In my mind, I remembered that my mother once cried: "We Xi Wei's illegitimate daughter who has nothing."

She didn't want to admit the shame, but she had to be reminded.

The girls who were usually jealous of Nie Xiwei started besieging her: "You are, you are."

The boys who liked her cute and lively counterattacked: "What's the big deal about an illegitimate daughter?"

Why!What a group of lads who can't speak.

Nie Xiwei squatted on the ground covering his ears and shouted, "I'm not, I'm not, I'm not..."

This is just a child under six years old, but she has to bear the curse that does not belong to her age.

"What are you arguing about?" The teacher finally ran in and saw everyone surrounding Nie Xiwei: "Is someone bullying your classmates?"

"We don't."

"Teacher, is Xiaoxi an illegitimate daughter?"

"How do you know..., no, of course not."

"How do you know..., no, of course not." The teacher quickly changed his words, but it was too late.

"I hate you, I hate you..." Nie Xiwei stood up suddenly, with tears all over his little face, and quickly rushed to the playground room.

(End of this chapter)

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