Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 135 2 Shem 18: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 135 2 Shem 18: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

"How do you know..., no, of course not." The teacher quickly changed his words, but it was too late.

"I hate you, I hate you..." Nie Xiwei stood up suddenly, with tears all over his little face, and quickly rushed to the playground room.

Later, she was taken home by her mother, and she hid in her room sullenly.

Until she heard the sound of a long-lost car, and saw the man called Dad walking into Ye Guya's room.

She gritted her teeth and stood stubbornly in the corridor.

Since Nie Fan's son made it clear last time that she had nothing to say about me, and then he caused troubles and fights, the entire Nie Mansion has been dealt with, and he has not cared about their mother and daughter at all.

When Nie Fan had time to sit down and talk about his daughter with Ye Guya, it was already another severe winter.

Nie Fan had no choice but to tell Ye Guya that he really could not divorce and remarry, otherwise the Nie family might really lose their precious grandson.

And that's what he and the whole Nie family don't want to see.

Ye Guya learned more or less about Nie Xichen's difficulty and rebellion from newspapers and magazines, and the flame of hope she had ignited was hit again.

"The child will soon be six years old, what should we do?" The tears had dried up, and she seemed to be accepting her fate.

Perhaps it is destined that she does not have this blessing to become Nie Fan's wife and the eldest son-in-law of the Nie family.

"The child's household registration must be done, let her be included in your household registration." Nie Fan was also powerless to argue: "But her surname must be Nie."

"Of course." She had no objection, she was his daughter after all.

Nie Fan gently took her hand and stroked it: "I have wronged you these years, and I need you to be considerate of me in the future."

"Hmm." She bit her red lip and tried to hold back the tears.

"I've already established a good relationship. Tomorrow, I'll ask a lawyer to accompany you to the police station to go through the registration procedures." He stopped and pondered.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly.

"I want you and Xi Wei to live in America with me." After all, he spent more time in foreign countries than in China.

Ye Guya was overjoyed: "Really?"

"Well, Xichen is taking care of her now, and my job is mainly in the United States. After you go over, we can meet often." That's all he can say.

He missed most of his son's growing up, and now he doesn't want to miss his daughter.

He Fang lacks his daughter too much, and only by keeping her by his side can he make up for this deficiency as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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