Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 137 2 Shem 20: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 137 2 Shem 20: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Seeing Ye Guya hand over the form to the clerk, Nie Xiwei tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "Mom, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, mom will accompany you." So the two mother and daughter left the reception room.

After turning the corner is the toilet, Ye Guya let her daughter go in and wait outside the door.

Soon Nie Xiwei came out: "Mom, are you going to the toilet? It's a long way to the airport, right?"

She knew there was still half an hour to go.

"Well, then Xiaoxi, you..."

"Don't worry, mom, I'll go back to the reception room and wait for you." After speaking, he ran away.

Ye Guya followed her anxiously until she saw her daughter walk into the reception room, and then she saw lawyer Li Minggang standing outside talking on the phone.

She gestured to him to help babysit her daughter, and he responded with an "OK" gesture.

When Nie Xiwei returned to the reception room, she saw that there were only female staff working in the room. She climbed up on the chair and smiled sweetly at her: "Sister, my mother asked me to tell you that she seems to have spelled my last name wrong."

"Really? What's your original surname?" The female staff knew that their mother and daughter had special identities, so they didn't dare to take it easy, and hurriedly flipped through the application form that Ye Guya had just filled out.

"My surname is Ye, Ye Xiwei." Nie Xiwei thought for a while and added, "Isn't my mother's surname Ye? I share her surname."

The female staff smiled: "Yes, your mother wrote you as Nie."

"Sister, please modify it!" She smiled innocently.

"Okay, Ye Xiwei!" So the female staff changed the information on the computer.

At the same time, lawyers Ye Guya and Li Minggang walked in, and lawyer Li asked, "Excuse me, is it all done? We still have to rush to the airport."

The boss ordered him to send their mother and daughter to the plane.


Li Minggang's cell phone rang again, he nodded to Ye Guya and went out to answer it again, he was really busy today, in order to send the two mother and daughter off, he changed the itinerary.

Now I just want to send them away as soon as possible, and then go back to the law firm to work overtime.

"Okay!" The female staff returned Ye Guya's household registration department and all the documents to her.

"Let me see, let me see." Nie Xiwei stood up from the chair, leaned over and snatched the household registration form from the staff member's hand.

She looked down at the name on it, and it was changed to Ye Xiwei.

Ye Guya looked down and wanted to check: "Let mom see if there is any mistake in writing Xiaoxi's name."

"Have I seen it?" Nie Xiwei held down his surname with his fingers, held it up and handed it to his mother to check: "Did Mom see it? It's my name."

(End of this chapter)

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