Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 138 2 Shem 21: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 138 2 Shem 21: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Ye Guya looked down and wanted to check: "Let mom see if there is any mistake in writing Xiaoxi's name."

"Have I seen it?" Nie Xiwei held down his surname with his fingers, held it up and handed it to his mother to check: "Did Mom see it? It's my name."

Ye Guya fixed her eyes and saw that there was only the word Xiwei. When she reached out to take the household registration department, her daughter took it back again: "Let me see again, Nie Xiwei, female, her birthday is December 12th."

"Oh, Xiaoxi, why don't you let your mother watch it." Ye Guya reprimanded lightly.

"Is it alright?" Li Ming just walked in and saw Nie Xiwei looking at the household registration department in his hand. He was secretly happy to finally complete the first task: "Let's go, the plane waits for no one."

"Okay, Xiaoxi, let's go!"

"Oh." Nie Xiwei closed the household registration part, and obediently helped his mother put all the documents back into the file bag, and stuffed it together with her household registration part.

Seeing this, Ye Guya smiled: "Have you finished reading it? Mom won't be allowed to see it."

Nie Xiwei jumped off the chair and asked her inexplicably, "Didn't you just read it?"

"It's just a blink of an eye, I didn't see clearly."

Li Minggang poked his head in from outside the door and urged, "Why don't you leave?"

"Come on, come on!" Nie Xiwei yelled as he rushed out.

"Xiao Xi, don't run around." Ye Guya was so frightened that she hurriedly chased her out.

The group of three got into the special car again, and Nie Xiwei immediately fell silent, as silent as when he came.

"Here are your air tickets. I will send you to the security check later."

Ye Guya handed Ne Xiwei's ticket to her: "Xiaoxi's first time flying, this is your first ticket."

She took the plane ticket from her mother and looked at the words on it, which said that she was flying to Manhattan, USA at seven o'clock.

Her eyes quickly fell on the name on it: Nie Xiwei.

The word Nie hurt her eyes, now she is no longer called Nie Xiwei, she will be Ye Xiwei in the future, and it is Ye Xiwei who is her mother, not the one with the surname Nie.

Her surname is not Nie.

Her surname is not Nie.

She's not, she's not, she's not.

"Xiaoxi, what are you doing?" Ye Guya snatched the plane ticket from her angrily.

She saw a hole in the name above with her finger.

It just so happens that the word Nie is gone.

"You're so naughty!" Ye Guya's face turned pale: "What should I do now? I'll have to spend time to pay for the ticket later."

(End of this chapter)

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