Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 139 2 Shem 22: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 139 2 Shem 22: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

It just so happens that the word Nie is gone.

"You're so naughty!" Ye Guya's face turned pale: "What should I do now? I'll have to spend time to pay for the ticket later."

Nie Xiwei looked at the ticket in his mother's hand without humming, and sneered in his heart: Anyway, you can't board the plane with this ticket, so what's the use of staying?
Her surname is already different.

After arriving at Baiyun Airport, Li Minggang was responsible for checking the suitcases for their mother and daughter.

Ye Guya dragged her daughter to reissue the boarding ticket. When she showed Nie Xiwei's identification document, she was questioned by the airport staff: "The ticket you bought earlier was from Nie Xiwei, but it was Ye Xiwei on your household registration department."

"What?" Ye Guya turned pale with shock, and reached out to take it back to the household registration department for a closer look, only to see that there were clearly written on it: Ye Xiwei.

Yes, it's Ye Xiwei.

No matter how many times you watch it, it's Ye Xiwei.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Nie Fan was most concerned about Xi Wei's surname, and now it's being joked into reality.

Nie Xiwei's surname is not Nie, how could she explain to Nie Fan?

"Did you modify the information?" She glared angrily at her daughter who was smiling happily.

"Yes." She admitted bluntly.

"Why?" She couldn't believe that her daughter, who was less than six years old, had such a plan.

The surname was changed under her nose.

"Because...." Nie Xiwei raised his chin proudly, "My surname is not Nie."

Yeguya was so angry that she trembled all over, her face turned blue and white, she raised her hand and slapped her daughter's stubborn little face.

The proud little face was distorted.

Immediately, everyone fell silent and looked at the mother and daughter, including the staff who handled ticket exchange.

Nie Xiwei took a deep breath, and tears of grievance silently rolled down his pink face.

She raised her stubborn face again, looked at her mother who was at a loss and hated her mistakes, and reiterated very firmly: "My surname is not Nie."

"Xi Wei!" Ye Guya was like a deflated balloon, standing on the spot for a long time, unable to speak.

"If my mother doesn't let me be named Ye, I won't have any last name in the future."

She looked at her weak mother: "I'm not even my mother's Xi Wei, not my mother's Xiao Xi, I'm just a nameless orphan."

"No!" Ye Guya hugged her daughter tightly, tears soaked her cheeks: "You are my little Xi Wei."

[Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle, the sky is full of little stars..., the song is beautiful, right?Haha, flashback 2 is done. 】

(End of this chapter)

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