Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 140 This is just the beginning

Chapter 140 This is just the beginning

"<"【Back to the present continuous tense】">".
When changing cars in the underground parking lot, she handed him her gun back to him.

Zuo Zhe put the gun on his waist, glanced at the gloomy expression on her face, and asked lightly, "How do you feel about tonight's actions?"

She said bluntly: "The difficulty is not high."

"How do you call it difficult?" He looked at her appreciatively and smiled.

"Loyalty Church is nothing more than that, not even a decent thug." There should be one or two people like Zuo Zhe.

"Hmm, the tone is quite loud." He stepped into the sports car and started the engine.

"Actually, everything is within your plan."

Sitting on the co-pilot seat, she said while fastening her seat belt: "I was wondering why you let me go with you before? So you expected that Zhongyi Hall would not have many thugs tonight, and it would be easy to sneak up on them."

He smiled without answering and drove the car out, but there was a deep smile of approval on his face, the rare iceberg would smile so brightly.

"It's just that I don't understand. Is this your annihilation operation?"

She always thought that the two gangs would hack each other until the corpses were all over the field and blood flowed into rivers, the scene was miserable and mournful.

It can only be said that she was so disappointed that she was not as good as the battle at the foot of the mountain.

Zuo Zhe seems to understand her thoughts very well: "A person without a brain will use his body to shake the sword and gun. You need to get rid of the bloody thoughts in your head."

"Cut." She curled her beautiful thin lips and asked back: "Do you think that Zhongyi Hall will perish just like this?"

"This is just the beginning, a breakthrough." That's all he could say.

The next step is to eliminate the spies in Baihutang. Who is the person lurking in the gang?

"What did this come from?" Ye Ziye played with Zuo Zhe and put it on the front of the car, a black box the size of two palms.

"When you know what it is, you can only be a member of our Baihutang." And you must be a person of his level.

She suddenly smiled, and stared at him sideways: "You really want me to join your gang, don't you?"

Always bring it up in front of her.

Zuo Zhe looked back at her sideways, and slowly raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, teasing her in a rare good mood: "If you don't join our Baihutang, how can we cultivate our relationship?"

"Bah!" She glared at him viciously, recalling the scene of being kissed by him again, it was her most powerless resistance.

Every time she thinks about it, she will feel ashamed. Her first kiss...was forcibly snatched away by her deadly enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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