Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 145 Taking the First Round of Examinations

Chapter 145 Taking the First Round of Exams
She pointed outside, and the teacher who was invigilating the exam had already appeared on the other side of the corridor.

Ye Ziye let go of the hand on his shoulder, and threatened him again before leaving: "You know Baihutang, their boss Zuo Zhe is my friend, if you don't obediently do things for me, I will let Baihutang The people in the hall cut off your limbs and threw them into the Pearl River to feed the fish."

"I, I know!" Song Jian nodded violently almost crying.

The evil forces of Baihutang are known to everyone in this area, and the three branch masters of Baihutang are studying in the high school separated by a wall.

At this moment, Ye Ziye mentioned them, which made him tremble even more.

Yan Xiaozhu shook her head and looked at Ye Ziye, according to her recent personal observation, Ye Ziye is definitely not a treacherous person.

Compared with the people in their killer group, they are just more naughty, stubborn and rebellious.

So everyone returned to the classroom one after another for the first round of exams.

Just after sitting down, He Binxian smiled and said to Ye Ziye: "Don't forget our agreement."

"Tch, I was afraid you would forget." She returned him a smug smile.

If she wins this time, she will let him stop pestering her and stop telling other girls that she is the one he likes.

The most important thing is not to like her anymore.

Boys like He Binxian who are obedient and obedient are not her type.

The invigilator on the podium began to distribute the test papers, and the whole class fell silent, only Song Jian looked at her frequently, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead from time to time.

Ye Ziye glared at him so fiercely that he didn't dare to look around again.

Yan Xiaozhu smiled lightly when he saw it.

After the test papers were handed out, everyone bowed their heads and worked hard, Ye Ziye pretended to look at the test questions above.

She went abroad to live when she was less than six years old, and her Chinese writing level stayed in the kindergarten class.

Usually, when talking with the gentle and elegant Yeguya, she used polite words and phrases, so she would be confused when others said some common sayings or local dialects.

I promised Season before that she would study hard in Gangpei and improve every day, and she had to fail the first exam.

So she has a reputation for self-knowledge in this exam, and she will not pass without cheating.

After a long time without receiving Song Jian's cheat sheet, Ye Ziye raised his head and glanced at the invigilating teacher, and saw him sitting on the podium and scanning the first row of students.

(End of this chapter)

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