Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 146 Hehe, Here Comes Her Answer

Chapter 146 Hehe, Here Comes Her Answer

After a long time without receiving Song Jian's cheat sheet, Ye Ziye raised his head and glanced at the invigilating teacher, and saw him sitting on the podium and scanning the first row of students.

She turned her face to look at Yan Xiaozhu on the left, this guy is so strong, he even slept on the table during the exam.

She looked at He Binxian on the right again, and saw that the old man was rustling and writing non-stop on the answer sheet.

What a bully!

She looked towards Song Jian in the front row, and it happened that Song Jian was looking behind furtively at this moment.

Ye Ziye almost wanted to call for help, what are you looking for?Lest people don't know you're helping to cheat?
When he saw Ye Ziye staring at him, he was so frightened that he hurriedly turned his head and wiped the sweat off his brow frantically again.

What a worthless guy!

Ye Ziye stared at him, and after he wiped off his sweat, he lay down on the table and continued to write.

At this moment, the invigilator stood up and walked towards her. She stretched out her long legs under the stage, just enough to kick Yan Xiaozhu who was sleeping soundly.

Yan Xiaozhu rubbed his eyes and looked at her, she immediately winked at her.

The invigilator was already standing between the two of them, looking at Yan Xiaozhu's test paper and then at her test paper, they were all white.

His complexion couldn't help changing, and his tone was unfriendly: "Students who are sleeping, fill in their names, and students who are cheating and deserting, please be careful."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked behind one after another, so the teacher said: "Students in the front row are not allowed to peek at the back row."

Ye Ziye couldn't help bursting out laughing, the invigilator was very humorous.

"Hurry up and continue the exam." The invigilator lowered his head and tapped her and Yan Xiaozhu's table with his fingers.

At the same time, Zi Yemin saw Song Jian frantically throwing a ball of paper to the classmate behind him.

Ha ha, here comes her answer.

When the invigilator was urging Yan Xiaozhu to write his name, the students in the front row passed the ball of paper to the back row with lightning speed.

When the invigilator walked towards the front row, the students in the back row successfully handed the ball of paper to her.

Hehe, it seems that her classmates are quite obedient.

It all depends on the prestige of Baihutang.

She happily opened Song Jian's answer sheet, which was filled with dense answers, and she was overjoyed to pick up a pen and copy and copy and copy.

After copying, she found that there were no answers to the last three big questions, so she threw the ball of paper in her hand to Yan Xiaozhu who was lying on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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