Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 158 It Really Is the Old Fox's Trick

Chapter 158 It Really Is the Old Fox's Trick
Zuo Zhe bit the cigarette on his mouth, and looked down at her coldly: "What's the purpose of you taking the black box away last time?"

Shangguan Lu was taken aback when she heard the words: "You said that after I handed over the things, I will not pursue this matter any more."

"I didn't pursue it." He still stared at her flickering eyes: "If I pursued it, I wouldn't let you come here, and I would hand you over to the chief hall master."

"I, I'm just curious." She turned her face stubbornly, her big clever eyes rolling.

"Did someone ask you to take it?" He pinched the cigarette with his index and middle fingers, and flicked the ash into the ashtray on the glass table.

His tone of voice was as cold as usual, but with a rare casualness and laziness.

As if to greet her if she is full and warm?
Shangguan Lu is not stupid, she has been with him for many years, so she is familiar with his temperament, the more Zuo Zhe doesn't care, the more murderous he is hidden.

She bit her lower lip slightly unconvinced: "I'm really just playing with you, me, I don't mean anything else."

"Last chance." He said lightly, looking at the sky outside the window.

She stomped her feet anxiously: "Okay, okay, I made a bet with my dad, can I steal the black box without telling you."

This answer is more reliable.

Zuo Zhe twisted out the cigarette, turned his head and looked into her eyes: "Who started the bet?"

"It's me...my dad."

This time her eyes didn't flicker, only wronged and angry.

For many years, we have met morning and evening, she is familiar with his temper, and he is also familiar with the authenticity of her words behind her small actions.

Sure enough, it was the trick of the old fox.

Zuo Zhe stood up and walked towards her.

Shangguan Lu was trembling with nervousness, her lowered head was frightened by his approaching aura, and she didn't dare to move an inch.

Tall and majestic, he walked close to her body, opened the door and ruthlessly hummed: "You can go now!"

"That's it?" She looked at him in disbelief.

Isn't he going to dispose of her?

"What do you want?" He asked her back, with a dangerous message in his tone.

"No..." She hurried out like running away.

Just when she was about to step out of the door, Zuo Zhe suddenly put out his hand and blocked her way.

Shangguan Lu bit her lower lip in fear, standing still like a student waiting to be punished.

【Where?Where is my click?come here now! 】

(End of this chapter)

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