Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 159 Lan Hao, I Love You So Much

Chapter 159 Lan Hao, I Love You So Much
Zuo Zhe suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked her way.

Shangguan Lu bit her lower lip in fear, standing still like a student waiting to be punished.

"Your handbag." There was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Eh? Oh." She hurriedly went back to the house to get her handbag, not daring to look at him anymore and running away.

After sending Shangguan Lu away, Zuo Zhe lazily returned to his bedroom, and fell on the bed with his head up, his brows were tightly locked, and his eyes stared at the ceiling in thought.

When Shangguan Lu took back the black box last time, he once suspected that she was a spy, but he quickly denied this idea.

Shangguan Lu has known them for many years, they have been classmates for several years, and they have been promoted together in Baihu Hall.

Although she is deep in the city and scheming, she is still young and has little experience. It is impossible for her alone to have the intention of treason.

So he set his sights on her father.

The purpose of today's forced attack is to confirm the conjecture in my heart, and the answer is ready to come out.

Things will get easier next time.

After the matter was sorted out, Zuo Zhe's idle mind suddenly remembered Ye Ziye, she was acting a little abnormally.

What's the matter with her today?Did something happen?
[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Ye Ziye wandered aimlessly along the street after leaving Zuo Zhe's house.

It seems that she is very used to being alone, whether happy or unhappy.

She passed an open-air square, attracted by the deafening music.

A stage was set up in the square, surrounded by crowds of spectators, and everyone was swaying to the rhythm of the music.

There were seven dancing teenagers standing on the stage. They wore uniforms, black suits, black ties, white shirts, and black hats on their heads.

The dance skills of the seven teenagers are superb and excellent, especially the big boy who is the leader is even more outstanding and eye-catching.

The young lead dancer was tall and handsome, his body was as soft as boneless, and every joint agitated with the rhythm of the music.

The dance they danced is a space dance step familiar to humans all over the world, and the background music is naturally MJ's Dangerous.

The fans in the audience screamed loudly: "Lan Hao! Lan Hao! That's great!"

"Ah... Lan Hao, I really like you!"

Cheers and screams erupted.

Is it a star?

(End of this chapter)

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