Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 160 He likes the smell when he kisses her!

Chapter 160 He likes the smell when he kisses her!
Is it a star?

Ye Ziye was attracted by the dazzling big boy on stage, he was top-notch both in appearance and dancing skills.

Hip-hop dance can be seen everywhere in the United States, but such high-level dancers are rarely seen in China.

No wonder his fan base is so strong and crazy.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang in her backpack, and she opened it to see that it was Zuo Zhe's call.


"where is it?"

"On the street."

"..." Zuo Zhe originally wanted to say that he would look for her, but remembered that Yan Xiaozhu must be guarding her, so he changed his words: "Are you coming to eat?"

The last time the two kissed in the street in a vindictive manner, now thinking about it made him blush and embarrassed.

Blushing because he didn't expect him to be so naive and impulsive; embarrassing because he thought of Yan Xiaozhu's teasing expression that seemed to be a half-smile.

Of course, there is still a hint of aftertaste in it. The taste of Ye Ziye is very good, um, very good!

He loves the smell when he kisses her!
Ye Ziye here thought of the cooked food he bought at the mall last time, and suddenly lost interest: "No, I... I'll go home and eat."



After a moment of silence, he asked, "Did something happen to you looking for me?"

She thought again of being caught cheating on the exam, the unpleasant dinner with Season, and meeting her grandpa who disgusted and frightened her.

I'm in a really bad mood this day!

At this time, the dancers on the stage were all gone, and the handsome and dazzling Lan Hao was surrounded by female fans.

With a sunny and innocent smile on his face, he thanked the crowd one by one, and walked towards a dark-skinned young man under the stage.

When the two met, they bumped each other's shoulders badly with their shoulders, and then laughed and hugged each other.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very friendly.

Ye Ziye's gaze was fixed on that dark-skinned young man. He was handsome and handsome, with good-looking facial features. Like Lan Hao, he was a cheerful and lively person.

This face is very familiar.

She stared at the handsome black man and studied.

"Midnight?" came Zuo Zhe's soft question.

She asked back, "What?"

"Didn't you hear me?"

"Sorry, I have something to do, that's all." After speaking, he hung up hastily.

At this moment, Lan Hao, Hei Meinan and the rest of the dancers walked towards Ye Ziye.

(End of this chapter)

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