Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 169 This little girl is indeed a ruthless character

Chapter 169 This little girl is indeed a ruthless character

Zuo Zhe smiled deeper, and there was a rare soft look on his face.

This little girl is indeed a ruthless character.

He tentatively asked her: "What if you find out that there are spies in Baihutang?"

"Of course we should check for spies first and then destroy Zhongyi Hall." She asked him in amazement, "Are there any spies in Baihu Hall?"

"No." He replied softly.

The waiter began to serve the dishes, and the two stopped the topic of discussion in a tacit understanding, and began to taste this delicious and high-end dinner.

Ye Ziye thought secretly in his heart, Zuo Zhe just talked about the topic of spies.

Zuo Zhe suddenly became curious about her kung fu. Such agility and dexterity cannot be acquired overnight: "Have you practiced martial arts since childhood?"

"Hmm." She nodded.

"In addition to Taekwondo, you also learned Muay Thai, right?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to recruit me to be a member of Baihutang?"

"You said you didn't want to join Baihutang."

He thought of their awkward and unfamiliar wet kisses on the street car, and her youthful and brave appearance, which made him deeply fascinated.

She doesn't need to join Baihutang, but she can be his woman.

He likes her independent personality, with a pure and shy taste in her publicity and rebellion.

She is a girl who can fight side by side with him.

He doesn't like women who are delicate and artificial and only depend on men to survive.

She asked back, "And then?"

"No then, if you don't want to join, I won't force you to join."


She thought he had finished speaking, picked up the red wine and smelled it lightly, took a big sip and rolled it in her mouth.

Just as he was about to swallow it, he heard him continue: "Are you interested in being my girlfriend?"

In the next second, Ye Ziye sprayed out all the red wine in his mouth, splashing Zuo Zhe across the face.

"No, I'm sorry." She burst out laughing after spraying the wine: "The joke you said is very funny, I can't control it anymore, haha, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." The handsome man on the opposite side slowly picked up the napkin and gently tried to remove the red liquid from his face.

There was no extra expression on his face, and he was still very indifferent.

It's not like the shyness and uneasiness that one should have when confessing to a girl.

"What do you mean?" He actually looked at him seriously.
(End of this chapter)

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