Chapter 170

"What do you mean?" He actually looked seriously at her eyes that were about to burst into tears when she laughed.

"What do I mean?" She asked back in astonishment, trying to hold back her violent laughter.

He reiterated tepidly: "How about being my girlfriend?"

"Are you serious?" She finally stopped laughing and looked at him inexplicably.

"I'm not joking." His face was unpredictable.


"I think I like your character and your guts."

"But I don't like you."

"Emotions can be developed slowly."

She suddenly remembered a sentence he once said.

"You said you wouldn't be interested in a man or woman like me."

Zuo Zhe chuckled, last time he said 'sexual interest'.

But it doesn't matter, whether it's interest or sexual interest, he has it for her now.

"This time is not that time."

The two asked and answered each other, completely looking like businessmen talking about business.

Ye Ziye was a little scared, Zuo Zhe looked serious and persistent: "I'm only 16 years old this year, I don't want to date."

"Many underage girls are dating now." Today's China is not as conservative as it was a decade ago, standing in subway stations or parks, full of junior high school students playing KISS.

"This is just a tactful excuse for me to reject you." She said simply.

"So that's how it is." Zuo Zhe thought for a while, "But I won't give up."

"Why don't we talk about the spies of Baihutang." She didn't want to go into details.

He whetted her appetite cunningly: "I plan to visit Shang Jin's villa at night."

"Tonight?" Sure enough, Ye Ziye became very interested.

He smiled slyly: "I don't have your share tonight."


"You are not from Baihutang, and you are not from me. Why should I bring you?"

"..." was knocked down.

"You are only 16 years old, after eating quickly, go home and go to bed early." He said with sarcasm.

She despised him: "I think you are at most three years older than me, what's the big deal?"

Hmph, the guy who failed in courtship actually took revenge.

"Hey." He smiled dryly in a good mood and stopped arguing with her.

The rest of the meal time was spent in Ye Ziye's unhappiness.

After dinner, Zuo Zhe drove her home,
(End of this chapter)

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