Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 171 Let Me Be Your Boyfriend

Chapter 171 Let Me Be Your Boyfriend
The rest of the meal time was spent in Ye Ziye's unhappiness.

After dinner, Zuo Zhe drove her home, and the gray Lamborghini was running in the dark night, flashing past like a ghost.

The top of the sports car was opened, and the severe winter wind scratched her tender skin, but it brought a little bit of coolness to the body that was slightly heated by alcohol.

"You see, since I am going to attack Zhongyi Hall with you, it is impossible not to go to Shang Jin's lair with you at night, right?"

She still persistently pestered him for an explanation.

"The last time I brought you was because I wanted your bodyguards to protect you. Don't use it now. There is no relationship between you and me."

He just wanted to force her to be his girlfriend.

"Yes, you know my bodyguard. Is he a man or a woman? What does he look like? What's his name?"

Immediately something else caught her mind, as if night-time visits to the enemy's nest had become a chore that was no longer important.

Zuo Zhe turned his face slightly, with a teasing expression: "This is a business secret, how can I let you know?"

"Cut." She turned her face away in frustration.

"But..." The smile on the corner of Zuo Zhe's mouth deepened, and this night was probably the night he laughed the most.

Ye Ziye turned back to look at him.

He continued slowly: "I can't say it, but I can teach you a way to force her to show up."

In order to achieve his goal, he decided to betray Yan Xiaozhu flamboyantly.

Judging from Ye Ziye following her this evening, this girl is not only interested in her bodyguard, but also very interested in her classmate Yan Xiaozhu.

Yan Xiaozhu follows in and out every day, and also acts as Ye Ziye's neighbor.

With Ye Ziye's invincible curiosity and her personality of pursuing to the end, sooner or later she will find that Yan Xiaozhu is her bodyguard.

Instead of letting her stumble like a headless chicken, it is better to help her and win a boyfriend's position to sit and sit.

Hehe, thinking of this, he couldn't help chuckling happily.

"Wow, you betrayed your friends like this?" Ye Ziye criticized him disapprovingly.

"She is not my friend."

"Oh, so she's not from Baihutang?" She remembered the conversation between Zuo Zhe and Zhongnanhai's bodyguards in the alley last time, as if they mentioned something like VAN.

"What's a VAN? Is it the name of a gang?"

Zuo Zhe raised his handsome eyebrows: "No comment."

(End of this chapter)

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