Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 172 Decided to Let You Taste the Sweetness

Chapter 172 Decided to Let You Taste the Sweetness
"What's a VAN? Is it the name of a gang?"

Zuo Zhe raised his handsome eyebrows: "No comment."

Cut, I don’t know how to go home and go online to Baidu?

She remembered what he said just now: "I can't say it, but I can teach you a way to force her to show up." '

What is the method?
"Although I don't agree with your approach, you can tell me your approach, and let me go into details." She hid half of her face and sneered.

"It's okay for me to say it, but there are conditions." I knew you would not be able to bear it, and even pretended to be mean to me.

"What conditions?"

"Let me be your boyfriend." Please enter the urn successfully.

She became impatient: "Didn't you just say that you are not interested in being your girlfriend?"

"Now I ask you, let me be your boyfriend."

"What's the difference?" Please forgive her for her poor Chinese skills.

There is absolutely no difference between the two sentences.

He replied with a rascal smile: "There is no difference between these two sentences, only the subject is different."

I rely on!

A few black lines stood up on Ye Ziye's forehead, and he immediately understood in his heart that this Zuo Zhe was a powerful character, and he played her around.

"Isn't it good for you to bully my Chinese?" She glared at him viciously: "You are the majestic young master of Baihutang, do you think it's good to play with a girl who is only 16 years old like this?"

He kindly reminded her that she often made mistakes in this area: "It's not a good thing for you that you are so easily brought down by other people's aggressive methods."

"My business has nothing to do with you." She looked away again, deciding not to pay any attention to his words this time.

Why is the road home so long tonight?
Looking over from her rage, she saw his sports car headed for the district, not the direction of his home in the middle of the city.

"Where are you taking me?" she had to ask.

"I'm not talking about taking you to do something fun." He suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and the sports car was moving forward at full speed.

"Spy on Shang Jin's house at night?" Her eyes lit up immediately.

Zuo Zhe nodded slightly.

She confirmed again in disbelief: "Didn't you just say that I don't have a share tonight?"

"I changed my mind and decided to let you have a taste of the sweetness."

She was in a happy mood, smiling wide-eyed, and her rebellious and flamboyant face became as innocent and cute as a child.

"I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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