Chapter 176 As expected

Zuo Zhe frowned, such a small card is really not easy to find: "Where did you find it?"

"Put it in the inner layer of the jewelry box." She just pressed the inside of the brocade box boredly, and found a hard and convex piece, so she found this inconspicuous little card.

He put the card into his small bag, signaled Ye Ziye to close the safe, and continued searching towards the other side of the bookshelf.

As for him, he continued to rummage in the thick account, and finally let him find the expenditure he was looking for.

OK!Sure enough, he didn't expect it.

He folded the page of the ledger, and stuffed the whole book into his backpack.

Ye Ziye, who found nothing, walked back to him and asked softly, "Shall we go to his bedroom?"

"Hmm." He nodded, and before leaving the study, he threw a fist-sized object under the desk.

The two fumbled their way up to the second floor, and searched room by room.

Two of the rooms are children's rooms, where Shang Jin's two sons in kindergarten live.

The other room is the master's room. There is no one in the room. The luxurious decoration and expensive furnishings show the wealth of the master.

There is also a safe in the same room, which belongs to the same brand and model as the safe in the study.

Ye Ziye squatted in front of the lock to unlock it, Zuo Zhe went to the bathroom to check if anyone was there, and if there were other things stored in the wardrobe and under the bed.

No results were found.

"Open it!" she called softly to him.

He strode forward to open the door of the safe, and just when he was about to poke his head to look at the contents, he heard chattering voices from outside.


The two quickly exchanged a look and quickly hid.

But coincidentally rolled under the bed at the same time.

The two people who bumped into each other under the bed stared at each other. Zuo Zhe originally thought that she would hide in a cleaner wardrobe, but it would be more appropriate for him to hide under the bed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ziye thought that if the closet was opened at night, there would be a good chance of getting clothes to take a shower, so she rolled under the bed.

I thought that no one would go to look under the bed at night before going to sleep.

The two were crowded close to each other, their eyes exchanging information.

She told him to get out, and he told her not to move.

Time did not allow the two to flirt, when the bedroom door opened.

A man and a woman walked in. The woman walked to the dressing table and sat down, took off her jewelry,

(End of this chapter)

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