Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 177 Did You Know I'm Awesome Today?

Chapter 177 Did You Know I'm Awesome Today?
A man and a woman came in, and the woman went to the dressing table and sat down, took off her jewelry, and said, "Shang Jin will probably spend seven or eight years in prison this time."

The man stood behind her, gently massaging her shoulders with his hands, and said in an ambiguous and flirtatious tone, "Isn't this what suits your heart? We don't need to sneak around outside."

"Damn guy!" The woman scolded coquettishly, "I'm afraid that the three of us, mother and son, won't get along well in the past few years."

"With me here, don't be afraid." The man kissed the woman's naked shoulder lightly, and his hands began to be presumptuous.

Zuo Zhe recognized the woman as Shang Jin's wife, Li Lan, and the man as Shang Jin's right-hand man, Liu Weizhong.

It's really unexpected that Shang Jin, who is cruel and ruthless, doesn't know that his wife is having an affair with his assistant.

"Monk Peng Xiong has been imprisoned in the capital, and the Zhongyi Hall may not last long in the future."

"You mean the Baihutang will annihilate us?" Liu Weizhong laughed loudly: "You can rest assured that there are some of us in the Baihutang who play a pivotal role."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"I can't tell you this."

"Is there anything we can't say between us?" The soft voice said: "I want you to give birth to two children."

Ye Ziye under the bed shuddered all over. As a woman, she asked herself if she didn't have such coquettishness.

Nor does he have the guts to steal from his husband and have children for an adulterer.

Looking at her changing face, Zuo Zhe seemed to understand her thoughts, and doting eyes appeared on the corners of his mouth, locked tightly on her face.

At this time, Liu Weizhong's voice came from above: "When I take the position of chief hall master, the three of you, mother and son, can be upright."

"How long will you keep me waiting?"

"As long as the prison sentence is passed, I will definitely be in charge of the leaderless Loyalty Hall. Even if they are released from prison, it will be seven or eight years later, and there will be no place for them at that time."

After talking so far, the two couldn't help laughing heartily.

"Ouch, you are so awesome and smart." It was a crisp and soft voice that could drive a man crazy.

"Did you just know how good I am today?" The man smiled maliciously.

Ye Ziye cursed in her heart, your grandma, you don't want to stage a restricted-rated scene, do you?

She glanced at Zuo Zhe who was clinging to her, hoping that he would think of a way to get out
(End of this chapter)

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