Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 178 Let's Climb the Wall and Get Out

Chapter 178 Let's Climb the Wall and Get Out
Ye Ziye stared at the sinister smile on his face, knowing that the triggering of the fire alarm must have something to do with the button in his hand.

I only heard the dog and man on the bed quiet down, and soon they jumped out of bed in a panic, grabbed the clothes on the ground in a panic, and ran outside for their lives.

"Child, take the child away." The voice gradually faded away.

Zuo Zhe shrugged innocently, let go of her body, let her crawl out of the bed first, and then he crawled out.

I saw a mess in the room, especially the disheveled sheets on the big bed.

Ye Ziye felt unsightly, and ran out of the room as if hiding from bacteria.

But Zuo Zhe grabbed her, and he dragged her over her body, making her face to face with him.

The smile on his face was still that of a successful prank: "Let's climb the wall and get out."

"Why?" Since the fire alarm sounded, everyone must have fled outside the house, and they could turn back to where they came from.

"I'll let you climb a real wall. In the future, don't 'climb the wall' like Shang Jin's wife."

The implication is to tell her not to have Hong Xing cheating.

"Bah!" Although she didn't quite understand what he said, she could guess what it meant.

She is not a flirtatious woman.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Ziye glared at him, did you laugh too much tonight?Are you not afraid of convulsions?

She decided to ignore his ulterior motives, hurriedly opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, walked out to the balcony railing, and looked down.


She held the guardrail tightly with one hand, and was about to stand outside the guardrail, then jump over the window eyebrow on the first floor next to it, and then jump from above to the ground.

Although a bit tall, it's hard for her.

Zuo Zhe grabbed her, then took out the thick hemp rope prepared in advance from the backpack, hooked the end with the iron hook on the guardrail, and motioned her to climb down with the rope.

Time was running out, she did not object, and took the lead in sliding down the rope to the ground.

Seeing that she landed safely, Zuo Zhe also slid down along the hemp rope.

He waved the rope to shake off the iron hook, and quickly put it back into the backpack.

The front yard was full of people, and mixed with the barking of wolf dogs, it was impossible for them to leave the side of the pool.

"Let's go!" Zuo Zhe looked around and decided to walk to the nearest wall, and leave as soon as possible.

There was a fire in Shang Jin's study, and the fire truck and the subordinates of Zhongyi Hall would come to check the situation soon.

(End of this chapter)

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