Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 217 She's Just a Mistress

Chapter 217 She's Just a Mistress

Yi Hong looked puzzled, looked at Ye Guya and then at Ye Ziye: "Your surname is not Cui, then..., is your surname Nie or Ye?"

Ye Guya suddenly looked extremely embarrassed, and was stunned on the spot for a while, not knowing how to answer this question.

Ye Ziye's surname was originally Nie, but the household registration department listed her surname as Ye. If the dispute continues at this time, her name may be involved.

Ye Ziye looked at her mother with a pale face, and finally swallowed back what she wanted to say, and said coldly: "My surname was originally Nie, but later I changed my mother's surname to Ye."

"So that's how it is." After Yi Hong nodded clearly, she paused and thought of another question: "Then Gu Ya, did you remarry later?"

Thinking of the identity of her daughter's illegitimate daughter, Ye Guya gritted her teeth and nodded slightly, but didn't dare to say anything more.

From then on, she did not register with Nie Fan at all, and the wife column on Nie Fan's marriage certificate was still He Yanran.

She is just a mistress.

At this time Ye Ziye really didn't want to stay any longer, not only Yi Hong's words embarrassed her, but Ye Guya's embarrassing appearance also embarrassed her.

"Ma, let's go home."

"So fast?" Yi Hong whispered: "It's rare that we meet, why don't we have afternoon tea together."

Ye Guya smiled sweetly, and made an excuse to get away: "Sorry, we have an appointment with a friend."

Qiu Yongchen, who hadn't hummed a word from the beginning to the end, suddenly said to Ye Ziye: "I'll take you back."

There was a look of reluctance on his face.

"No need." The two mother and son left in a hurry.

After leaving the herbal medicine store, Ye Ziye remained silent all the time, with his icy face turned away, looking at the passing scenery outside the car window.

"D—DD—" There was a message from her mobile phone in the silent and depressed air.

She lowered her head and took out her phone to check Zuo Zhe's message: Girlfriend, what are you doing?

Seeing the word "girlfriend", her previously cold face suddenly became lively, with a disdainful yet resentful smile.

She replied to him: what girlfriend?don't i have a name
She could imagine his success.

He made it clear that the chariots wanted her to be his girlfriend, but she still foolishly fell into his trap.

Soon Zuo Zhe replied: My Xiaoye, I am at home, come quickly!


(End of this chapter)

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