Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 218 Tonight is the Critical Moment

Chapter 218 Tonight is the Critical Moment
Soon Zuo Zhe replied: My Xiaoye, I am at home, come quickly!


A few drops of cold sweat dripped from Ye Ziye's cheeks, followed by goosebumps all over his body, and finally his whole body shivered.

At this moment, Yeguya's gentle voice sounded: "Xi Wei, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." She showed a reassuring smile to her mother, but her heart was very depressed. She suddenly didn't want to see her mother again: "My friend asked me out."

Ye Guya didn't know how to be alone with her daughter, so she smiled reassuringly: "You go, don't play too late."

"Oh, I know!" At the end of the sentence, he called the driver to stop and put her down on the side of the road.

She looked at the time, it was still early for the eight o'clock meeting at night, why did Zuo Zhe suddenly let her go?

Have things changed?

He promised her earlier that he designed to force her Zhongnanhai bodyguards to show up, but then he mysteriously asked her to come to his house at eight o'clock in the evening, and told her to be careful.

She had some idea in her mind that tonight was the critical moment.

No matter how many questions I have in my mind, I have to stay silent, and ask in detail when I see Zuo Zhe.

Half an hour later, she quickly appeared at his residence in Beixiao.

Because the school still has classes, Zuo Zhe still lives here.

He opened the door and saw her, and smiled maliciously: "Not bad, not bad, she is really an obedient girl."

"What do you want from me?" She went straight to the point.

"I have a lot of free time today, so I asked you to come over to cultivate my relationship." He smiled rascally, stretched out his hand and dragged her into the house, stretched out his long legs, and closed the door.

"Can you be more serious?" She shook off his hand, sat on the sofa by herself, and glared at him: "What happened tonight?"

"Tell you, it won't work." He sat down beside her, and then took the two remote controls on the glass table, handed one to her, and held the other by himself.

"Racing car?" She looked at the screen on the LCD TV.Two heavy locomotives frozen on the starting line.

That's a racing game.

"Isn't it fun to play by myself? Last time you ran away at the foot of the mountain, your driving skills were pretty good. How about we have a race?"

She raised her chin at him provocatively, looking arrogant: "How about we have a real car race."

Zuo Zhe was slightly stunned, with an elusive smile on his face
(End of this chapter)

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