Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 303 Are You Love Syndrome?

Chapter 303 Are You Love Syndrome?
"I'm sorry everyone, I've kept you waiting for a long time." When she said this, everyone felt baffled.

She paused for a moment, and smiled maliciously: "My brother's driver, he drives slowly at an old age, unresponsive, trembling hands and feet..."

The following words were sealed by Zuo Zhe, but not with his mouth, but with his palm.

He bit her ear viciously and warned her: "If you mess around again, I will rape you."

That's right, it's rape, and the danger is escalating.

She pulled his palm and hurriedly smiled: "Just kidding, don't be angry, you will get wrinkles."

The little girl can bend and stretch, let him go tonight for the time being, and have fun in the future, hehe.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaozhu from behind couldn't help chuckling, Ye Ziye finally met his nemesis, and retreated steadily in front of him.

Perhaps it can be said that they generate and restrain each other, they are both the nemesis of each other, and they also have nothing to do with each other.

Qin Jun on the other side protested: "Can you stop for a while? It's not enough to flirt in school, and it's still the same when you run outside. Are you going to let people live?"

Zuo Zhe replied to him: "You can try to find a girlfriend, there is no rule in the gang that prohibits dating."

"Are you suffering from love syndrome? I don't date enough by myself, I wish the whole world could show their affection with you."

Zuo Zhe asked Ye Ziye to sit beside him, while Yan Xiaozhu sat on the other side of Ye Ziye.

He introduced everyone: "This is Ziye's classmate Yan Xiaozhu."

After everyone sat down, the ingredients for the hot pot were delivered immediately, the stove in the center of the table was burning, and the waiter removed the lid of the pot.

The hot and spicy soup base inside is bubbling.

A spicy aroma filled the narrow room, bringing warmth to the slightly cold spring.

"Qichi-qichi!" Ye Ziye couldn't bear the viciousness, and suddenly sneezed twice.

At this moment, everyone started to move unceremoniously.

Shan Nantao poured everyone a glass of beer, Zuo Zhe stopped Ye Ziye's glass and called the waiter to give her juice.

"I want to drink beer." Why can Yan Xiaozhu drink it, but she can't?
"A glass." He gave her his glass of beer.

(End of this chapter)

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