Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 304 Woohoo, what kind of bad luck did she have?

Chapter 304 Woohoo, what kind of bad luck did she have?

Seeing this, Jiang Yaoyao smiled softly: "Brother Xiaozhe didn't care about us before."

"It seems that Ziye holds a lot of weight in Xiao Zhe's heart."

"He likes to fight against me." Ye Ziye drank half a glass of beer in annoyance.

When she was in the United States, her usual drink was beer, and no one would care about her, but now she is restricted by her so-called boyfriend.

Can't do this, can't do that, woo woo, what bad luck did she have?

He picked a piece of beef and rolled it in the soup: "You are only 16 years old, don't drink these things that hurt your body."


Soon she will have another brother, a man who loves to control her like Season.

His name is Brother Xiaozhe.

Everyone was moving their mouths, only Ye Ziye propped his chin, staring blankly at the red soup base.

"What's the matter?" He knew she didn't like him controlling her, but Ye Ziye's personality was too wild and stubborn, if he didn't take it seriously, he might become lawless.

"I don't like spicy food."

"It's actually not very spicy." He put the freshly boiled beef slices in her bowl: "Give it a try."

"I really don't like it." She is a typical person who doesn't eat spicy food. Even a little spicy food will make her cry and her mouth will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks and looked at her, Qin Jun suggested: "Why don't we change the soup base to a non-spicy one."

As we all know, eating hot pot is not spicy or delicious, and it will be enjoyable only when you sweat profusely and sweat a little.

"No, you guys go ahead, I'm not hungry anyway." She returned the beef in the bowl to Zuo Zhe.

"Fool, don't say it sooner." He remembered that when she just got out of the car, she smiled reluctantly and asked if she wanted to eat hot pot?

"I didn't know everyone was so good at eating spicy food."

Zuo Zhe thought for a while, and called the waiter to change the base of mandarin duck soup, one side was spicy and the other was thick soup.

That way, everyone gets what they need.

Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao looked at each other, their little brother Zhe was really different, he became so considerate and gentle, which made them wonder if he was the original Zuo Zhe.

Shan Nantao was a little estranged from Ye Ziye before, but later he heard that the young master expelled the brothers in the gang because of her, and now he witnessed him doting on her.

(End of this chapter)

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