Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 305 Is there something wrong with your body?

Chapter 305 Is there something wrong with your body?

Immediately frightened, he dared not hesitate to say anything, lest Ye Ziye would bear grudges, and he deliberately made things difficult before.The next person to be evicted from the house was him.

Qin Jun just looked at the two of them with a smile, and suddenly felt that such things as feelings are really amazing.

Make the iron-clad man bend his waist and bow his head to proclaim himself a vassal.

Zuo Zhe suddenly said, "Shangguan Lu came to see me today."

Brother and sister Qin Jun, Jiang Yaoyao and Shan Nantao all looked at him in astonishment.

Ye Ziye asked: "Who is Shangguan Lu?"

"You met her. She was at my house when you came to see me last time."

"I thought she was your ex-girlfriend."

Shan Nantao flatteringly explained: "Young Master Zhe has never dated, how could he have an ex-girlfriend?"

Unexpectedly, she seized the opportunity to sneer at Zuo Zhe: "Such handsome but not dating, is there something wrong with your body?"

Zuo Zhe answered unhurriedly, "Just try it and you'll know if there's something wrong with me."

Such explicit flirting, such sappy dialogue.

Not to mention Ye Ziye, all the girls present were blushing.

Qin Jun giggled, only Ye Ziye had the ability to make Zuo Zhe humorous, he coughed twice and returned to the topic: "What did she tell you?"

"About the last time she stole the black box, I made it clear."

"Should we go back and discuss these things?" Shan Nantao looked warily at Yan Xiaozhu who had been silent all this time.

After all, she is not from Baihutang, and Ye Ziye is an exception.

"Don't worry, she won't say anything." Zuo Zhe put down his chopsticks, took a sip of beer and thought about it.

Shan Nantao wanted to say something else: "But..."

"She is mute." Ye Ziye explained.

Zuo Zhe looked at Yan Xiaozhu, and saw that she was also looking at everyone, with no expression on her face.

Everyone was shocked by the words 'she is dumb', what a pity for such a glamorous little beauty.

Yan Xiaozhu won't speak out, because her personality dictates her responsibilities. Zuo Zhe is a member of the organization, especially her boss. Of course, she won't tear down the boss's platform and ruin her job.

Neither Zuo Zhe nor Yan Xiaozhu denied it.

Qin Jun looked at her with regret: "Is it congenital?"

Some people are caused by acquired damage to the vocal cords.

(End of this chapter)

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