Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 321 This person is definitely not a simple person

Chapter 321 This person is definitely not a simple person

He has a domineering and strong affection for her. No matter whether she is willing or not, he will slowly penetrate her heart like that.

She doesn't seem to have a choice.

is this okay?Is it okay to go on like this?
In the dark night, accompanied by the dim street lights, a few flying insects were attracted to hover.

Suddenly, in the dark room opposite, the window on the second floor opened, and a black figure jumped out of it, and fell down like lightning.

Ye Ziye's eyes widened, he got up in disbelief, approached the window frame as fast as he could, leaned sideways and looked at the alley downstairs with half of his face.

I saw the man in black running towards the end of the alley, and soon disappeared in the dim streetlights.

What the hell!
Because she was afraid that the neighbors would see her climbing the window and then report to her mother.

She has been paying attention to the situation of the opposite house. She lived for more than two months and found that the lights on the opposite side were never turned on, the windows were always locked, and the door was also locked.

So she concluded that no one lived on the opposite side.

In the middle of the night, a black figure suddenly popped out from the opposite window, no wonder it didn't surprise her.

Soon she had another idea, could it be a thief visiting?
Didn't Season say that the neighbors reported that there were thieves near the neighborhood?Although she thought he was teasing her at the time, it seems that the possibility is higher now.

It would be better if it was a thief patronizing, but if not, the people living opposite really made her feel chilly.

Quietly living on the opposite side, entering and exiting through the windows on the second floor.

This person is by no means a simple person.

Ye Ziye stared at the window of the opposite room, and suddenly had the idea to find out.

It has always been her style to think and do it.

She took out the flashlight from her backpack, quickly climbed out of the window, found the narrowest distance, and leaped across the alley like a kitten, standing in front of the opposite window.

I put my ears to listen quietly for a while, but there was no movement.

She tiptoedly opened the window door, and through a gap, she lit up the small flashlight in her hand, illuminating the scenes in the room one by one.

I have to say that our Ye Ziye is a bold and skilled person.

(End of this chapter)

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