Chapter 322 Peeping Tom?
If it were a normal girl, if she saw a shadow or a thief in the middle of the night, she would cry and tell her mother if she didn't scream.

She wasn't, instead she ran to find out the details curiously.

The body is half hanging outside the window on the second floor, looking at the mysterious and weird old house with a small flashlight.

The room is not big, with a bed, a wardrobe, and a desk. Other than that, there are no decorative paintings or sofas.

It's as simple as a hotel room, you can move in and out at any time.

There are a lot of equipment on the desk, including computers, cameras, and unknown equipment.

It is obvious that there are indeed people living here, and it is the man in black just now.

If it was a thief, these equipment would have disappeared long ago.

Finding that there was no one in the room, she opened the window and pressed one hand on the window frame to jump in.

But her fingers touched something cold and hard. She looked down and saw that it was a pinhole camera.

She looked in the direction of the camera, facing her window impartially.

The first thought came to mind: voyeurism?
Thinking of this, Ye Ziye angrily wanted to tear off the camera, but soon she stopped and quickly jumped into the room.

What the hell is this person doing here?How long have you been spying on yourself?

It was so silent, living under her nose.

With doubts, she went straight to the computer on the desk, and the work light on it showed that it was on.

She turned on the switch of the computer screen, and saw four pictures appear on it, one facing her window, one facing the gate of her house, one facing the entrance of the alley, and one facing the gate of this house.

What the hell is going on here?
Who is this owner?

Why install so many cameras?
She grabbed the camera next to her, opened the internal memory to check, and found that it was full of photos of her life, including school photos and outdoor photos, and there were hundreds of photos of Linlin.

She found out that the first few shots were actually taken in America, when she was just getting out of prison and saying goodbye to Jimmy before getting on the plane.

This person followed her to China from the United States?
Thinking of this, Ye Ziye's whole body shuddered.

[Friends in the book city, can you give a score to encourage one?Friends of the website, vote for favorites, motivation!I need motivation~~~. 】

(End of this chapter)

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