Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 331 Resisting, But Seeming Powerless

Chapter 331 Resisting, But Seeming Powerless
She always thought that she didn't care, would not be sad, let alone shed tears.

But she was wrong. After all these scars were exposed naked by others, she suddenly found that the wound inside was filled with pus and dripping with blood.

It was riddled with holes, blood and flesh, and even festered and stinks.

"Come on, come back with me, there is the life you want." Carl gently wiped away her tears, coaxing softly: "You will find a world that belongs to you."

He has investigated her, is familiar with her growth experience, and feels her plight and depression.

Once upon a time, he was also unhappy.

In her, he found his long-lost self, the once rebellious and arrogant teenager.

He understood her, because he also came from a humble background and was a laughable illegitimate child.

His father was an aristocrat of the British royal family with good blood, and his mother was just a humble maid.

He is an embarrassing person who has been abused and bullied since he was a child.

Resisted, but seemed powerless.

Now the disadvantage has been reversed, and those who bullied him will get their due retribution.

Because the current him has an army that can destroy the country and wipe out the clan, and no grass grows wherever he goes...

Ye Ziye reminded him of his past, she had his shadow on her body.

He understands her deeply, and is willing to unconditionally help her get rid of the shackles and find her true self.

And his unconditional devotion to her implied a different kind of emotion.

For no reason, she slapped Rex angrily and domineeringly when they first met. Even after being captured, she still stared at the enemy without fear.

The appreciation and love in my heart burst forth.

People like her, the more dangerous they are, the more they can be reborn from the ashes, burning the most dazzling light.

How can such a girl not be fascinating.

Ye Ziye really wanted to go with him, she was really tired and strenuous.

When the tears fell, her fragility and helplessness were displayed in front of others, she clenched her teeth and closed her eyes.

Maybe it's best for everyone to leave alone.

Without her, the Nie family could return to peace.

But she has no Nie family, no mother, so she can live more freely.

Promise him.

From then on, the sea and the sky were soaring and flying, and the whole body was relaxed and free.

When Ye Ziye opened her eyes again, her dark eyes became determined and agreed, she pressed her thin lips tightly, and nodded with all the courage in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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