Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 332 You guys stop, don't fight

Chapter 332 You guys stop, don't fight

It was only the time between the lightning and the thunder, he had already knocked down number two and number three, and jumped straight to grab Carl's arm.

That unsightly hand tightly grasped Ye Ziye's dirty hand.

Both Carl and Ye Ziye turned pale with fright. Unexpectedly, the visitor moved swiftly and had extraordinary skills.

Especially Ye Ziye, she has seen Zuo Zhe's skills, but she has never seen him so swift and ruthless.

Is he hiding his strength before, or is his potential being stimulated now?
What puzzled her even more was why Zuo Zhe was so angry?The brown pupils were full of anger, and the tense handsome face was even more chilling than the first time I saw it.

What's the matter with him?
Zuo Zhe's grabbing hand struck with lightning speed, Carl didn't have time to meet him, and hurriedly dragged Ye Ziye into his arms to hide.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ziye reacted instinctively, quickly threw off his restraint, and stepped aside to protect himself.

Immediately, the two separated, and Zuo Zhe made a blow and stood between them.

He looked at her sideways, satisfied that she shrugged him off in a timely manner.

Carl was displeased, his face suddenly turned black, and he raised his fist and punched Zuo Zhe in the face.

Ye Ziye exclaimed: "Be careful."

At the same time, Zuo Zhe saw a surprise attack out of the corner of his eye, bent down to dodge, and immediately raised his left foot to sweep across.

He thought he could knock down the opponent, but to his surprise, the opponent also raised his right foot and kicked him forcefully.

Crossing both feet, I immediately felt the opponent's strong foot skills and strength, and the piercing pain spread across the entire leg in an instant.

Both of them were taken aback, and they fought with each other, you attack and I defend, and I attack and you defend.

There were more than ten rounds of hand-to-hand fights, and the fight was indistinguishable.

"Stop, don't fight." Ye Ziye was in a hurry, why did they start fighting as soon as they met?
It was too late to say it, and after No. [-] and No. [-] had recovered, they joined the melee.

Shake Zuo Zhe's fists and feet with three enemies.

The two people who were not on equal footing suddenly lost their balance. Zuo Zhe was hit in the chest by a fist and took two steps back before he could stand still.

Before he could catch his breath, Carl's right foot kicked his midsection.

Ye Ziye was shocked, without thinking about anything, he rushed forward and kicked to block it.

(End of this chapter)

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