Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 342 Unbelievably Beautiful!

Chapter 342 Unbelievably Beautiful!

Season heard the words and turned around, the murderous look on his face receded, replaced by a look of love, and smiled gently at the woman: "Xiaoxin."

A girl in the uniform of Xincheng No. [-] Middle School was holding a stack of reference books on her chest.

Facing the evening breeze and the setting sun, the well-behaved and beautiful face, with a calm and peaceful smile, is as agile and lovely as an angel.

Incredibly beautiful!

He stretched out his palm to her, and she put her tender fingers on it obediently.

The next second, he pulled her into his arms and kissed lightly: "Didn't you agree that I would pick you up? Why did you run back by yourself?"

"Lucia and Shufen were bored. They didn't want to study, so I had to let them go early." As the college entrance examination was approaching, she helped her classmates with their homework.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't focus on the textbooks.

"Tired?" He stroked her cheek heartbrokenly.

This girl whom he loved to the marrow and almost lost is now his fiancée.

Lan Xin shook her head lightly, staring at his face researchingly: "Are you unhappy? Is there something wrong with Zi Ye?"

Not only is she good-looking, she is also extremely intelligent.

"Hmm." He sighed helplessly.

"She's 16 years old, she knows what she's doing." Lan Xin stretched her arms around his waist, and winked at him mischievously: "As a brother, don't you control her too strictly?"

Compared with Nie Hong and Nie Jiajun, two cousins ​​who have known each other since childhood, Nie Xichen's attitude is always wishing for them, and don't get in his way as far as they go.

But the two wanted to cling to him and not let go.

Ye Ziye was on the contrary, the more Nie Xichen wanted to get closer to his half-sister, the more she could hide from him as far away as possible.

Sometimes, seeing Nie Xichen's embarrassing look, she couldn't help but make fun of him.

"She is not an adult, and we have only known each other for three years. I want her to know that she is not alone. She has a big brother like me."

Lan Xin pulled him coquettishly: "Oh, you are so kind to her, so kind that I'm almost jealous."

"How do I treat you, don't you understand?"

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his arms tightened around her even tighter, and a hot kiss was attached: "You are my everything."

(End of this chapter)

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