Chapter 343

The three-day deadline has passed, Ye Ziye was accompanied by Zuo Zhe to meet each other.

Except for the two, there were seven or eight vans standing behind them, and nearly a hundred black-clothed youths got off the vans.

They all hold instruments in their hands, and their expressions are serious and fierce.

They stood by a hundred doors and waited for orders.

In front of the abandoned old factory, Carl was dressed in plain white, clasped his hands behind his back, and watched them approach from a distance.

At this moment, he had to admit that this man matched Ye Ziye very well, no matter in appearance or temperament.

The tall and capable body, the calm style, the powerful and invincible aura show the majestic demeanor.

A man destined not to be ignored.

It also makes him jealous.

In the past three days, on the one hand, he ordered people to investigate Zuo Zhe's identity, and on the other hand, he mobilized a hundred top killers from the United States to help.

Today, whether Ye Ziye is willing or not, she must go back with him.

Two meters away from him, the two stopped.

He looked straight at her: "what do you think?"

Ye Ziye hesitated in his eyes, but quickly and firmly replied: "I'm sorry, I won't go back with you."

At this moment, Zuo Zhe raised his left hand and snapped his fingers. Immediately from the crowd behind him, a young man in black with a suitcase rushed forward and handed the suitcase to Zuo Zhe.

Zuo Zhe turned to Carl, opened the box without changing his face, and there were stacks of dollars inside.

"Here is 200 million US dollars, and I will return it to you with interest."

When he spoke, his tone was unhurried, and his face was calm and calm.

Carl saw the dollar in the box instantly, his face became pale, he glanced at Ye Ziye slightly annoyed: "What do you mean?"

"The 100 million I lent you before, I will return it to you now, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on."

This is the agreement Zuo Zhe reached with her last night. He will help her pay the money. In the future, she will pay back what she can, and there is no need to pay back what she can't.

Money was not important to him, the most important thing now was that she had to separate herself from Carl.

The leader of a killer group is not someone to be messed with.

As her current boyfriend, he has the obligation and responsibility to help her settle this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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